6 Bone Health Do’s and Don’ts

Vivian Goldschmidt, MA Inspiration

3 min Read

As you begin your drug-free journey to stronger bones and better health, or if you’re still debating whether to stop the osteoporosis drugs, the information at times can seem overwhelming.

I know from my own experience; it can be challenging to know where to start, and how to apply it all to your lifestyle.

That’s why today I share with you these six practical and easy-to-follow suggestions. The do’s and don’ts you’ll read put the latest research and nutritional information into practical terms so you can get started right away.

Let’s begin with the do’s.


1. Eat fresh, alkalizing vegetables and fruits every day, preferably organic.

These foods are the primary means by which you’ll obtain crucial vitamins and minerals and alkalize your body. The alkaline environment sets the stage for optimal nutrient absorption and stops the cycle of mineral loss from bone. (“Savers” already know that minerals like calcium are leached from bones as the body attempts to neutralize an acidic environment.)

2. Listen to your body

The best expert on you, is you! Despite what the Medical Establishment would have you believe, you know better than anyone if something is “off” in your body. Only you know how you truly feel, so don’t let anyone in the medical establishment convince you otherwise.

3. Believe in the decisions you make

You are the best one qualified to make decisions about your health. It’s easy to doubt yourself, especially when others (especially your doctor) are not on board with your decisions. Osteoporosis is not a disease; it’s simply your body’s response to an imbalanced environment. So don’t let others scare you into doubting your decisions; it’s your health and your body. They won’t be reaping the consequences, good or bad – you will!


1. Don’t eat foods that contain artificial colors, sweeteners, and preservatives.

These synthetic chemicals contribute to your body’s toxic load, which needs to be lightened considerably if healthy bone remodeling is to take place. All such chemical food additives are acidifying, and therefore accelerate bone loss. In addition, the metabolism of many artificial sweeteners produces toxic byproducts (such as formaldehyde).

2. Don’t consume sugary drinks, especially cola.

The health detriments of sugar are well-documented, and its deleterious effect on your bones has been confirmed by research. Sugar is not the only acidifying ingredient in colas; they also contain phosphoric acid, which literally dissolves bone due to its corrosive nature.

3. Don’t use personal care products with toxic acidifying ingredients.

Personal care products like shampoo, deodorant, makeup, toothpaste and moisturizers come into contact with your skin and/or mucous membranes. Any chemicals present in these products can then be absorbed into the bloodstream with ease, and substances like sodium lauryl sulfate, methylparaben, triclosan, and PEG-100 stearate will then be in your system wreaking toxic havoc. Choose natural products, or make your own.

These Are Just a Few of the Easy Tips You Can Follow Right Now to Build Your Bones!

It’s one thing to read up on drug-free approaches for osteoporosis; it’s another to apply those approaches to your everyday choices and habits. The Osteoporosis Reversal Program is designed to help you do just that!

Please click here to learn more about getting started on your journey to better bone health.