Latest Osteoporosis News: Breakthrough Technology A Big Boost For Bone Drugs, New Injectable Bone Cement, NASA Study On Beds And Bones, And More! - Save Our Bones

As you know by now, I always strive to keep the Save Our Bones community up to date on the latest osteoporosis news. Today I have all kinds of interesting news to share with you, including a tiny new device that’s causing the Medical Establishment to question DXA scans as the “gold standard,” and a new futuristic method to fix fractured bones.

Also, NASA is seeking paid volunteers to lie in bed for more than two months at a time for yet another study on the effect of gravity on bones.

And finally, celebrate fall with a hilarious and adorable video that will make you smile.
Now let’s get to the news!

Breakthrough Technology Paves the Way for More Drugs

Scientists have developed a brand new miniature device that detects fracture risk long before a DXA scan would find low bone density.

News Excerpt:

Unlike existing methods of assessing bone fragility, which measure bone density using X-rays, the device is designed to measure the ability of bone tissue to prevent small cracks growing into full-blown fractures.

It does this by pressing a microscopic needle a tiny distance into the top layer of bone. Measured electronically, the amount of penetration indicates how fragile the bone tissue is and therefore the risk of experiencing an osteoporotic fracture later in life.

Osteoporosis is often referred to as fragile bone disease. However, for many sufferers, the first indication that they have the condition is when they actually sustain a fracture.”1

This is great news for Big Pharma, but bad news for uninformed patients, since more than likely this “early detection” method will significantly increase the number of osteoporosis drug prescriptions handed out by doctors.

As Savers know, osteoporosis drugs actually increase the risk for fracture, because they stop the process of bone remodeling. A crucial part of healthy remodeling is the loss of old bone so that new bone can be formed. But osteoporosis drugs stop the entire process in the name of “stopping bone loss.” The result is thick, hard, brittle bone that lacks tensile strength and is more prone to breakage.

The truth is that you don’t need to expose yourself to invasive tests to test your fracture risk. If you haven’t yet, check out this post that explains how to test your bone health at home. And if you wish to know your bone density, your best bet is to get a DXA scan.

The Future Has Arrived! Synthetic Bone Cement Injected Directly Into Damaged Bone

While cement has been already used to patch up compression fractures, the new injectable bone cement attempts to mimic the way corals quickly produce minerals. In fact, when injected, it allows for more bone growth inside the patients body.

I once concocted a fanciful breaking news story about scientists discovering a way to inject a cement-like material directly into your bones. While I was being silly in some ways, the intent of the imaginative news headline was to point out the direction the Medical Establishment is taking with regards to bone “care.”

It turns out there was more truth than fiction in my musings…

Meet Norian, the new injectable bone cement.

News Excerpt:

By 1995 the Norian team had performed animal and human trials of the procedure, and published ‘Skeletal Repair by in Situ Formation of the Mineral Phase of Bone’ in Science, the American Academy of Sciences journal. It was the most cited journal article of the year and showed how injecting a paste of monocalcium phosphate, tricalcium phosphate, calcium carbonate and a sodium phosphate solution into a damaged bone created an effective cement.

The injected paste hardened quickly and gained strength from the crystallization of the carbonated apatite contained. … The new method was successful for initial bone repair, but it was as a scaffold for new bone growth where it was most valuable. The dahllite mimicked the lattice disorder and impurities found in the mineral phase of natural bone, and most important, the solubility of the natural material. This allowed the body, using carbonic acid, to tunnel through the material to spread its capillaries and reform, thus making the material alive with the nutrients and cells necessary. In effect, the injected calcium phosphate formed a composite with new natural bone.2

What really concerns me is the potential side effects, which are scary to contemplate. What happens when this injected material leeches into the bloodstream? Can it travel to the heart or cause arterial blockages like high-dose calcium carbonate supplements? Will it migrate to the joints and cause stiffness and pain? Will patients’ immune systems attack the foreign material and create a cascade of auto-immune disease symptoms?

It’s too soon to tell for sure, but there’s just no way that a procedure this invasive won’t exact some price from its victims.

NASA Pays Volunteers to Stay in Bed for Weeks

In many ways, this news story may sound amusing. NASA paying people to stay in bed? But actually, the experiment NASA is performing has serious implications.

News Excerpt:

The purpose of the study is to research the effects of microgravity on the human body.  The study simulates the effects of long-duration spaceflight by having test subjects lie in beds for the 70 day period. The beds are tilted head-down at a six-degree angle. According to Dr Cromwell, this tilt which causes body fluids to shift to the upper part of the body, sets off cardiovascular events that are similar to what we see in a space flight.

‘And by putting someone in bed for a long time, there is also atrophy of the muscle and atrophy of bone density,’ she explains.”3

NASA has been studying the effects of space travel on bone density for some time. You may wonder what this has to do with osteoporosis – after all, it’s gravity that causes falls and fractures! But Joe Neigut, Flight Analog project manager at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston, says the effects of extended bed rest “can be applied to everyone on earth.”3

This is because what happens to the body in low gravity is similar to the effects of non-movement. Muscles atrophy, and bones lose density. Why does this happen?

Quite simply, bones and muscles have to be used to be strong. Exercise that involves bearing weight is not only most effective; it’s crucial. And in space, there’s no weight for true weight-bearing exercise.

It’s a bit unsettling to think that an inactive lifestyle can mimic an astronaut’s weightless environment. It’s vitally important that we exercise regularly to keep gravity working for us, so it doesn’t work against us in the form of falls.

Densercise Shows You How To Make Gravity Work For You

When I developed Densercise™, the exercise program specifically designed to increase bone density, I had this principle in mind: simple exercises that do not require special equipment and that you can do anytime, anywhere without getting bored.

So Densercise™ does not require any special equipment; all the exercises either use items you’ll find around your house (like chairs, towels, and even cans of food!), or no props at all. It only takes 15 minutes 3 days a week, and the exercises are designed to improve bone density.

The moves are simple to do, yet they target specific areas of the body that need strengthening because they are prone to fracture, such as wrists, hips, and ankles.

Additionally, each Densercise™ move specifies which muscles and bones you’re working and it also keeps things interesting with a full range of weight bearing, resistance, and flexibility exercises.

For ordering information and to learn more about Densercise™, please click here.

Best (And Cutest) Way to Celebrate Fall

And now I want to share something that truly made me smile. In the Northern half of the world, autumn has arrived and with it, lots of fallen leaves. The husky in this video has found a great way to exercise – playing in a huge leaf pile. Enjoy!

Till next time,


1 “Portable, low-cost early-warning test for osteoporosis.” Medicalxpress. September 17, 2013.
2 McKeag, Tom. “Can mimicking marine biology cure osteoporosis?” GreenBiz. September 3, 2013.
3 Ziegler, Maseena. “NASA Will Pay $18,000 To Watch You Rest In Bed – Really.” Forbes. September 18, 2013.

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  1. Denise

    Is oesteoporis reversible . I am very thin and suffered from anorexia for years . I have just been diagnosed with osteoarthritis and having been getting some type of cortisone shots . I am very active , I lift weights swim and am taking my yoga teacher training . Would like to know how to reverse osteo ,

    Thank you.

    • Vivian Goldschmidt, MA

      Yes, Denise, osteoporosis is certainly reversible! The Osteoporosis Reversal Program is built around that principle: your bones can flourish if you give them what they need, whether you have an osteoporosis diagnosis or not. 🙂

  2. cindy beresford

    Vivian do you think you will ever make a Dencersie DVD I am sure there are alot of your followers wouldlove to purchase one. Keep up the good work. You are a very special lady

  3. Joyce

    My MD said my knee is bone on bone – my physio said one hip is lower than other
    and therefore thighbone is on an angle from hip to inside of knee – Would one
    of your Dancercise be suitable to adjust either knee or hip?

  4. Ginger T

    I am in the process of reading your book. What is your opinion of Diatomaceous Earth?

  5. Gail

    I read an article that you presented recently on the benefits of drinking distilled water. I accidently deleted the article and would like to read again and save. please reply. Thanks Gail

  6. bea mowry

    vivian i was just reading about this jorcinia combogia do yyou know anything about it it is a weight loss i was just wondering if it was bad for your bones i wouldnt want to take it if it would do anything to your bones i wouldlove it if you would give me an answer soon thank you bea

    • bea

      vivian is this bone really safe my son fell and broke his ankel and he is getting operated on tomorrow is this safe and does it work good i would love an jmmediate ans.if at possible thank you bea

  7. judy davis

    This grandma just got “cemented” -a L2 fracture. Immediate relief from excruciating pain – amazing! All scans improved & 30 lbs weight loss since starting program. Many, many thanks

  8. Isdagny Gefers

    Hi, How can I find out about the NASA research. I am very interested.
    thank you so much….

  9. jamal

    my doctor put me on protelos sachet.what do you thing of that drug would it be any help?
    please let discuss the pro and con.

  10. Elizabeth Strass

    Really enjoy the emails but this is the second one where the “cute videos” didn’t play. Has this happened to anyone else?

  11. shula

    This paste / cement sounds positive so far.


  12. jporter

    I have had the bone ceement called kyphoplastes.worked well

  13. Barbara Buckmaster

    Can you please resend me the newsletter that had the information about the French probiotic from Dr. Cutler?
    Thank you, Barbara

  14. Joan

    I almost broke a rib. I was lifted up while playing around, and heard a sound like bones cracking! So scary. It is a little sensitive, but doesn’t seem that it is broken, hopefully.
    I have read your Save Our Bones and try so hard to eat sardines twice a week, as well as many other things. Bought the Dencersise video but have not used it “yet”!

    I am shocked my ribs are not broken after hearing the startling sound of a crack.
    Thanks to you Vivian.

    • Vivian Goldschmidt, MA

      I am really glad your ribs are okay, Joan! If you suspect a fracture, though, I hope you’ll see your doctor right away, even if just to make sure. 🙂

  15. Lorna Thomas

    I was one of the lucky ones to receive the “bone paste” in January 1997. I fell and broke my wrist. I was involved in a study at the Foothills hospital, the only site in Canada.
    I have not had any unpleasant repercussions from this bone paste. I never had a cast, only a small splint; and I was taking physiotherapy within two weeks of the break. I am now 74 years old, and have full use of my right wrist.

    • Vivian Goldschmidt, MA

      I am really glad that you are able to use your wrist, Lorna!

  16. Patricia Dunn

    Thank you for including the darling video of the dog romping in the leaves! I so enjoyed watching and giggling to start my day, along with the other information you shared. . .

  17. Olivia

    What a delightful film of the dog and the leaves. It makes you laugh which is good for our bones and our feel good chemicals will be working overtime! Thank you for all your great, informative details for us all to read and digest and put into practise in our daily routines.

    • Vivian Goldschmidt, MA

      You are welcome, Olivia, and you are so right about laughter being good for your bones!

  18. Terry

    Great food for thought….very interesting news about the injection. I would like to hear from the subjects in about 10 years to see what they say. Also, loved the video. I wonder if we were to all be as carefree for about 10 min a day, how much happier and healthier we would be!! Thanks for the morning uplift!!

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