You probably know by now that Bisphenol A (BPA), a chemical commonly used to make plastics and epoxy resins, often lines the inside of food cans. But what you may not be aware of is how incredibly fast this bone-harming toxic substance can accumulate in your body.
An eye-opening study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association reveals the disturbing truth about consuming BPA-lined canned foods, specifically soups.
Today we’ll take an in-depth look at the harmful effects of BPA, including the study, but first, I’d like to begin with…
A Brief History Of BPA: A Ubiquitous Chemical
Just a brief look at the origins of bisphenol A (BPA) should give anyone pause as to ingesting it. A phenol derivative, BPA was originally discovered in 1891 by a Russian chemist named Aleksandr Dianin. Because of its estrogenic qualities, BPA was tested as a synthetic estrogen in the 1930s. It was not potent enough for the pharmaceutical industry use, so it was shelved until the 1950s.
That decade saw corporate giants Bayer and General Electric testing BPA for use in plastics, where chemists found it could be polymerized and made into polycarbonate plastic, and it could also be used to make the epoxy resin that lines food cans.
Suddenly BPA was everywhere.
The 8 billion pounds of BPA manufactured annually are used in an enormous number of products, from water bottles to sippy cups to canned foods. BPA is used as a color developer in carbon-free paper (such as store receipts), which are then recycled, contaminating all products made from them (including cardboard and other very common materials).
BPA is indeed everywhere!
The Proof Is In The Soup: Study Reveals Rapid BPA Accumulation
Participants, who were divided into two groups, were asked to make one small change to their daily diet: consume 12 ounces of canned or fresh soup each day for five days. Then the groups switched regimens after a two-day break, with the fresh soup group eating canned soup daily. Urinary levels of BPA were tested in all of the participants, and the results were shocking:
“…urinary BPA concentrations were, on average, 22.5 μg/L higher (95% CI, 19.6–25.5 μg/L) than those measured after a week of fresh soup consumption…, representing a 1221% increase.”1 (emphasis added)
So just five days of canned soup consumption increased the participants’ BPA levels more than 1000 percent. Very sobering indeed!
Why BPA Is So “Invasive”
It took just five days for BPA levels to get that high, and that’s partially due to the way the ester bonds link the monomers in BPA, making it a polymer. The bonds are not stable and break down over time, also in the presence of substances like food and water. When BPA is used to coat the inside of a container that has food or liquid, it has plenty of time to leach into the container’s contents.
Once ingested, BPA wreaks havoc on the human body, influencing every condition and body part that is connected to the endocrine system (this includes the reproductive organs). According to a 2014 report called “The ENDO Study,” BPA is similar to endogenous estrogens, and therefore “has the ability to interact with estrogen receptors and stimulate estrogen production and also alter gonadotrophin hormone secretion.”2
In addition, researchers note that “urinary BPA concentrations are positively associated with cardiovascular disease and diabetes.”1
BPA And Your Bones
Besides its acidifying effect and confirmed link to a myriad of health problems, BPA also blocks calcium channels, locking down the communication between cells required for proper calcium uptake.
Given all of the above – and that is merely the tip of a very large and unhealthy iceberg – it makes sense to …
Steer Clear Of BPA
Choosing “BPA Free” cans and other food containers is certainly a step in the right direction. But with very few exceptions, the BPA replacement is a mystery.
Alternative packaging, such as tetra packs, are a better option, but they are lined with polyethelene, which is also a plastic.
Another detriment of packaged soups you should be aware of is that they typically contain a great deal of sodium, a mineral that damages bones when consumed in excess.
And Now For The Good News!
Your best bet for avoiding BPA and too much sodium is to make your own soup at home. It may come as a surprise to you that making fresh soup is really not difficult at all. In fact, it’s a fantastic way to pack all kinds of variety and bone-building nutrients into one dish.
Here is a soup recipe to show you what I mean. Not only is this soup quick to prepare, delicious, and good for your bones; but it also has a powerful cleansing effect to help your body flush out accumulated chemicals from eating the “canned stuff.”
To make this soup most effective and nutritious, use organic ingredients whenever possible.
“Creamy” Detox Green Soup
2 Servings
100% Alkalizing
- 2 cups mixed greens
- 1 avocado
- ½ cup cucumber, chopped
- 1 onion, chopped
- ½ cup celery, chopped
- ¼ cup vegetable broth (if not homemade, select “low sodium” broth)
- 1 clove garlic
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice
- pinch of curry powder (optional)
- sea salt and black pepper to taste
- Place all ingredients in a blender and whirl until smooth. Serve hot, if desired.
Food Should Cleanse, Not Contaminate
The tasty ingredients in this soup are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, healthful fats, and other substances that help your body detoxify. Lemon juice, for example, has an anionic charge, meaning it has a negatively charged ion. This makes it uniquely able to “ionize” liquids, thus providing an excellent source of electrons to neutralize free radicals.
In addition, this soup is highly alkalizing, another key in aiding the body to flush out acidic waste products such as BPA, osteoporosis drugs, and other toxins.
This recipe is a prime example of taking a different approach to eating: food should not contaminate your body, it should cleanse it. The unfortunate truth is that due to the widespread use of toxic chemicals including pesticides, herbicides, and, of course, BPA and other endocrine disruptors, exposure is practically inevitable.
Thus, cleansing foods are more vital than ever in this chemical-laden age we live in. The Osteoporosis Fresh Start Cleanse, The 7 Day Bone Building Accelerator is the result of exhaustive research into the nature of cleansing foods. It’s a week-long simple yet thorough cleanse that contains recipes (and shopping lists) to prepare foods that detoxify your body and accelerate bone-building.
They are easy to prepare and do not require specialized kitchen tools. Dishes like Red Pepper Soup (page 25), Carrot Ginger Soup (page 27), Bohemian Borscht (page 30), and Mock “Chicken” Salad Wraps (page 30) can be easily made in a typical kitchen. The Osteoporosis Fresh Start Cleanse even includes recipes for cleansing desserts, such as Healthy Ice Cream (page 39) and Mini Strawberry Pies (page 42).
The Osteoporosis Fresh Start Cleanse makes detoxification a delicious experience with multiple health benefits in addition to helping your bones. You’ll experience increased energy, greater mental clarity, and improved bowel, kidney, and liver function.
Accelerated Bone Remodeling In Just 7 Days!
Discover how the Osteoporosis Fresh Start Cleanse can flush osteoporosis drugs and other bone-damaging toxins from your system – in just seven days.
So when you are craving a hot, nourishing bowl of soup, put down the can opener and prepare a scrumptious soup in your own kitchen. Don’t let your food be a source of poison; rather, let it be a source of cleansing and healing.
Till next time,
1 Carwile, Ms. Jenny L., MPH, et al. “Canned Soup Consumption and Urinary Bisphenol A: A Randomized Crossover Trial.” JAMA. 306. 20. (2012): 2218-2220. Web. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3367259/
2 Louis, Germaine M. Buck, PhD, et al. “Bisphenol A and Phthalates and Endometriosis, The ENDO Study.” Fertil Steril. 100. 1. (2014): 162-169.e2. Web. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3700684/
Another source of BPA is store receipts. Most stores use thermally printed receipts that contain BPA and the substance has been found to be absorbed through the skin.
That is correct, Marie – most store receipts are printed on BPA-coated paper.
Thank you for this article and all the information in it about BPA, etc. My dad is a big time soup lover and although he’s in his 80s now, I can only assume the bone/spine and endo issues he has must’ve come from eating so much soup! We will definitely change up his diet.
This also makes me want to toss out all my canned items; soups, veggies, even cans of the old favorite pork & beans, and German potato salad. I thought they would have a long shelf life and have been storing them for later (emergency) use, but not any longer!
I use aluminum foil when baking or roasting…as in covering my Thanksgiving Day turkey, or pan of lasagne and even BBQing chicken on the grill. According to this article, I should never use foil while cooking…can you recommend a suitable replacement for those times? Thanx again
“Campbell’s” will phase out the use of BPA by mid-2017. They are 75% complete by the time of this writing. Randy
A friend suggested Enzyme Defense to enhance the immune system. I know a strong immune system is important for healthy bones and the Savers Plan naturally builds the immune system. What do you think of Enzyme Defense as a supplement?
These newsletters are a great source of information. Is the soup in those foil pouches safe for us? Sincerely, Randy
Hi Vivian,
For over a week now I have Ringing in my Ears, really bad intolerable, my pharmacist suggested to take Flavanoid Tablets 2 capsules 3times a day.
Can u suggest any better remedy or treatment. My doctor wants me to go for an MRI Which will be in a months+ time. For your information I was in a MVA where I sustained a head and neck injury could this Tennitus be attributed due to my injuries?
Please guide me I am really loosing it, want to run away from it…..
I often worry about the plastic coffee pods I put in my Keurig coffee maker. Do you suppose they are unhealthy to use also??
You might want to look at the package, Linda – see if it says “BPA free.”
I have a question, if it doesn’t say BPA free should I assume that it has BPA? I’m following everything in your book as best as I can. Does anyone know if those cartons of orange juice or almond milk are lined with BPA?
I believe those are safe. You mostly have to be concerned about metal cans and plastic tubs with metal lids. R 😉
Vivian, your artivle targeted canned soups, is this article pertinent to all canned foods?
Hi Jill,
While the study presents results specifically from canned soup consumption, BPA is definitely a concern with all canned foods and beverages.
You’ve mentioned also that aluminum we cooked with is also toxic to our bone density, is the boxed they used for packing our food that lined with “aluminum” out of the box-packaging NOT good to consume also? The box-packaging can be stored with shelf-life but the liner that was used is made of aluminum!
Any research on this?
Hi Cin,
Aluminum is certainly cause for concern in foods as well. The real culprit behind aluminum-wrapped foods getting contaminated is heat. According to a 2011 study, “foil can be considered safe to wrap cold foods, since no leaching was observed without heating.” You can read the rest of that post and get more information on the study at this link:
Hi, Vivian! aha, so when aluminum gets heated up is where this becomes active toxic, literally but safe on cold. Thanks for your quick reply, i appreciate it and i will read the link soon.
Below is the cut&paste-more learning info about box-packaging used in our food, liquids, etc.
If you flip the packaging in box, this is what’s written on the bottom: “Tetra Pak Tetra Brik Aseptic” (they used aluminum as inside liners on most of the items that has shelf-life but the ones are refrigerated used wax liner inside, like the regular organic half-gallon milk, Costco brand name. However the organic almond vanilla has the aluminum liner)
Cut&Paste, http://www.tetrapak.com/packaging/material
Packaging material for Tetra Pak carton packages. The main material in all our packages is paperboard. We use just enough to make the package stable, without adding unnecessary weight. Paperboard is a renewable material, made from wood.
Paperboard is the main material in our cartons. It provides stability, strength and smoothness to the printing surface.
Polyethylene protects against outside moisture and enables the paperboard to stick to the aluminium foil.
Aluminium foil
Aluminium foil protects against oxygen and light to maintain the nutritional value and flavours of the food in the package in ambient temperatures.
About Tetra Pak
Together with our customers we make food safe and available, everywhere. Since the start in 1951 we have taken pride in providing the best possible processing and packaging solutions for food.
Tetra Pak is one of three companies in the Tetra Laval Group – a private group that started in Sweden. The other two companies are DeLaval and Sidel. Tetra Laval is headquartered in Switzerland.