From Negative To Positive: 5 Ways To Turn Around Your Osteoporosis Or Osteopenia Diagnosis

Vivian Goldschmidt, MA Inspiration

6 min Read

An osteoporosis or osteopenia diagnosis can completely rock your world. I know how profoundly it affected me, and how easy it is to let fear get the better of you.

But I was able to take control of my fear and transform it into an inspired quest to find natural solutions to reverse osteoporosis. This led to the creation of the Osteoporosis Reversal Program, which has helped thousands worldwide overcome osteoporosis and osteopenia using a natural, drug-free approach.

I am fully aware that you may find it difficult to let go of the fear instilled by the Medical Establishment and to have a positive attitude.

So I can’t wait to share five ways to turn an osteoporosis diagnosis from something negative into something positive and empowering.

Let’s get started!

Don’t Let The Negatives Accumulate

As mentioned earlier, the Medical Establishment tends to add to the fear of an osteoporosis diagnosis (in fact, many doctors use fear as a tactic to convince patients to take osteoporosis drugs). This sets the stage for a negative mindset and unnecessary added stress.

Chances are, you were also concerned about the long-term future when you received that diagnosis. Whether it’s the fear of falling, becoming disabled, losing your independence, or being a burden on others, the list can go on and on…if you let it.

That’s why the first step is …

1. Don’t Worry About The Future Or The Past – Focus On The Moment

Have you spent time around children? One thing we can say about kids is that they definitely live in the moment. That’s one of the things that makes young people think they are invincible! The future just doesn’t concern them.

While you don’t want to be reckless, a healthy dose of living in the moment is excellent for your outlook and your bone health. Pay attention to whom you are with, consider where you are, what you’re doing, how you feel…right now. Both the future and the past cannot be changed; the only time you have in which to act and think – and influence your future – is in the present moment. Think about it!

This concept is discussed in more detail in Chapter 14 of the Osteoporosis Reversal Program – it’s that important for your bone health not to worry about the future.

2. Keep Your Mind Open

Narrow-mindedness closes you to new experiences and information, and such a mindset makes you uncomfortable when others discuss differing beliefs and ideas. On the other hand, a person with an open mind is interested in why and how people hold different viewpoints, and wants to learn more.

Being open-minded doesn’t mean you can’t hold firm convictions, beliefs, or principles. On the contrary, if you are confident in your own convictions, you don’t feel so defensive, and you don’t mind hearing about other people’s viewpoints. In fact, such confidence in your personal health choices is vital for overcoming osteoporosis.

Having confidence on your own ideas sets the groundwork for being at peace with yourself and listening thoughtfully to others.

3. Be At Ease In Your Own Skin

Just as no one’s skin is perfect in the physical sense, so no one is perfect in personality, talent, ability, and so forth. Learn to accept your own flaws, whether physical or personal, and don’t let imperfections become the center of your thought universe.

You might be tempted to think of osteoporosis as a personal failing – if you hadn’t done this or had done more of that, you might not have low bone density. But once again, everyone is flawed, bone health is easy to attain, and osteoporosis is reversible!

You can’t take a break from interacting with yourself, so making peace with who you are is essential to happiness. Let go of self-doubt and trust yourself to make the right bone-health decisions. Remember, you’re the one (not your doctor) who has to live with the consequences of your bone health choices, and you are perfectly capable of making the right choices for your bones and your health.

4. Don’t Over-Think Things

It’s easy to get caught in an analytical loop, dwelling on your osteoporosis and your health in general until it occupies most of your energy and focus. But over-thinking things won’t bring a solution; rather, it sets the stage for paralyzing fear and uncertainty.

Instead of “stewing” over the problem, take positive action and face the issue head-on with optimism. There are plenty of reasons to be optimistic. For one thing, your body was designed for health, and will respond to healthy “input” like the plan described in the Osteoporosis Reversal Program. There’s no reason you can’t do what many others have done.

5. Don’t Fret About Your Future

When you get diagnosed with osteoporosis, one of the first thoughts that may enter your head is fear of the future. Mainstream Medicine presents osteoporosis as a degenerative and chronic disease, so naturally you envision a bleak future.

But this is just not true! Osteoporosis is not a disease at all, as the Program states. It’s simply your bones’ response to an overly-acidic body environment, and when the environment if brought back into balance through proper nutrition with Foundation Foods, Foundation Supplements, and practicing bone-building exercises, your bones can rejuvenate.

As I mentioned earlier…

The Only Time You Can Influence Your Future Is In The Present

When you do what’s best for you in the here and now, you will reap healthier bones in the future.

With the Osteoporosis Reversal Program by your side, you won’t get caught in the over-analytical trap again. And because the Program is backed by over 200 scientific studies, you can rest assured that it is scientifically sound.

Thanks to its easy-to-follow format, the Program is designed to take the worry out of bone health, plain and simple.

Stop Worrying About Your Bone Loss

Join thousands of Savers from around the world who have reversed or prevented their bone loss naturally and scientifically with the Osteoporosis Reversal Program.

Learn More Now →

So relax and enjoy life – your journey to bone health can be a joyful, creative, and fun experience if you choose to make it so!

Till next time,