Save Our Bones Bulletin: GMO Apple “Approved”, Ingredient In Black Tea Prevents Bone Loss, Awful Fluoride Side-Effect Just Confirmed, And More!

Vivian Goldschmidt, MA Lifestyle News

8 min Read

Today’s Bulletin has some exciting news I can’t wait to share with you.

Remarkably enough, the U.S. Department of Agriculture has approved a new genetically-modified organism (GMO): the Arctic apple.

And it turns out that black tea contains a substance that prevents bone loss, but of course you won’t hear about it from Mainstream Medicine because Big Pharma can’t patent it.

And finally, the toxic effects of fluoride have reached new heights…or rather, new lows. Research shows that this ubiquitous toxin can add weight gain and depression to its deleterious effects on the body.

Let’s start with this “designer” apple…

1. U.S. Department Of Agriculture Approves GMO Apple – FDA Approval Next

The Arctic apple, so-called because its white flesh resists browning when sliced, is the latest product of genetic modification of food. The U.S. Department of Agriculture has approved the apple, which means that Arctic apple trees can be planted here in the U.S. The apples themselves can be sold once the FDA approves them.

Relevant Excerpt:

“…The U.S. Department of Agriculture last week approved genetically modified apples that don’t brown when exposed to air.

The approval allows trees bearing this type of fruit, called Arctic apples, to be planted on U.S. soil and, once the FDA agrees, the produce could be sold in stores within a few years.

Studies conducted by the USDA determined that the Arctic apples are just as harmless as their conventional counterparts. And with the USDA’s approval, the Food and Drug Administration’s stamp of approval is expected to follow soon.”1

It looks like FDA approval is right around the corner for the Arctic apple. But Savers know that FDA approval can’t be trusted. Many, many drugs (including osteoporosis drugs) that “made the grade” were later found to be dangerous, even deadly. Many were later pulled from the market due to the damage they caused.

Personally, I would never consider an officially “approved” apple that was known to be genetically modified as being safe to eat. Instead, choosing whole, fresh, organic apples is the best way to get all the bone-healthy benefits this fruit has to offer, such as antioxidants and Vitamin C.

And if you haven't already, I invite you to get your free copy of the Save Our Bones Fruit and Vegetable Bible as my gift to you →

2. Black Tea Contains Bone-Building Substance (Big Pharma Will Ignore It)

Japanese researchers have discovered a substance in black tea, called theaflavin-3 (or TF-3), that blocks a bone-destroying enzyme.

Relevant Excerpt:

“A team of Japanese researchers said they have found that theaflavin-3, or TF-3, a substance in black tea, is effective for treating osteoporosis.

The group discovered that DNA methyltransferase, a type of enzyme, increases osteoclast, a cell that destroys bone tissues, and that TF-3 works to block the function of the enzyme.

After TF-3 was administered to mice suffering from osteoporosis, their bone volume recovered to levels similar to those of normal mice, the team said.”2

However, researchers went on to point out that the amount of black tea given to the mice would be an impractically large amount for human ingestion (about 20 cups of black tea a day). Of course, the substance could be concentrated, but mark my words: Big Pharma will not jump on this opportunity.

That’s because TF-3 cannot be patented, since it’s a natural substance and not a synthetic compound produced in a laboratory.

Black Tea Is Acidifying, But…

If you have the Osteoporosis Reversal Program, then you'll find that on page 109, black tea is listed acidifying, and because of the nature of the Camellia sinensis plant, tea leaves contain bone-damaging fluoride. But there is certainly a place for tea in a bone-healthy diet, and in fact, many teas can have bone-building benefits and overall health benefits.

For example, Earl Grey is tea flavored with bergamot oil, and recent in vivo studies have shown that an extract from bergamot was as effective as statin drugs at lowering cholesterol.3

Interestingly, statins have something in common with osteoporosis drugs. In fact, they work the same way: by blocking a vital enzymatic process, the mevalonate pathway. The difference is that statins do not bind to the bone surface.

The study showed that the unlike statins, the bergamot extract also increases high density lipoproteins while decreasing low density lipoproteins, with none of the dangerous side effects associated with statins.

Unfortunately, you’ll find very few doctors recommending bergamot to manage cholesterol. And you can be certain that Big Pharma will blatantly ignore it.

The good news is that as researchers are finding natural replacements for synthetic drugs, the move toward natural, drug-free solutions is unstoppable.

3. Awful Side Effect Of Fluoride Confirmed: Hypothyroidism, Leading To Weight Gain And Depression

The toxic nature of fluoride ingestion is nothing new to Savers. You probably know that fluoridated tap water is the primary source of this toxin, which is damaging to bones, the liver, the immune system, and so on. In fact, in the Osteoporosis Hydration Protocol (included in the Osteoporosis Reversal Program), numerous studies are cited that prove the connection between fluoride ingestion and increased fracture rates.

Now brand new research confirms something else mentioned in the Osteoporosis Hydration Protocol: fluoride destroys your thyroid by inhibiting the production of iodine.

Relevant Excerpt:

“Fluoride could be causing depression and weight gain and councils should stop adding it to drinking water to prevent tooth decay, scientists have warned.

A study of 98 per cent of GP practices in England found that high rates of underactive thyroid were 30 per cent more likely in areas of the greatest fluoridation.

It could mean that up to 15,000 people are suffering needlessly from thyroid problems which can cause depression, weight gain, fatigue and aching muscles.

Lead author Professor Stephen Peckham, Centre for Health Service Studies, said: … ‘Underactive thyroid is a particularly nasty thing to have and it can lead to other long term health problems. I do think councils need to think again about putting fluoride in the water. There are far safer ways to improve dental health.’” 4

After controlling for other factors, English scientists concluded that:

“…practice populations are significantly more likely to have higher levels of hypothyroidism than those in non-fluoridated areas. Consideration needs to be given to reducing fluoride exposure, and public dental health interventions should stop interventions reliant on ingested fluoride.”5

I couldn’t agree more. There are indeed “far safer ways to improve dental health,” beginning with switching to fluoride-free toothpaste and eschewing tap water. And as far as drinking water is concerned, I like to distill my own at home using my Waterwise 8800. It saves me the trouble of lugging heavy jugs of water home from the store every day, and I am assured of fresh, pure distilled water that hasn’t been sitting in a plastic jug for weeks.

It’s vital that you know the dangers of drinking fluoridated tap water, and take steps to hydrate your body with pure, distilled water – and squeezing a few drops of fresh lemon juice into it is a great idea.

Learn The Secrets About Water and Your Bones!

As part of the Osteoporosis Reversal Program, you'll receive the ‘Osteoporosis Hydration Protocol'.

Inside, you’ll discover how water is the missing link to your bone health. The water you drink can make or break your bone health…

Learn More Now →

Knowledge is crucial to health, and it's my pledge to continue to provide you with the latest news so you can take steps to protect and renew your bones. Please know that I am absolutely committed to bringing you the most up-to-date information.

Till next time,


1 Engelking, Carl. “Genetically Modified Non-Browning Apples Are Approved in the U.S.” Discover. February 18, 2015. Web.

2 “Osaka team finds black tea substance effective for bone loss treatment.” The Japan Times. February 24, 2015. Web.

3 Di Donna, Leonardo, et al. “Hypocholesterolaemic activity of 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl flavanones enriched fraction from bergamot fruit (Citrus bergamia): ‘In vivo’ studies.” Journal Of Functional Foods. 2014. Web.

4 “Fluoride in drinking water may trigger depression and weight gain, warn scientists.” The Telegraph. March 25, 2015. Web.

5 Peckham, S., et al. “Are fluoride levels in drinking water associated with hypothyroidism prevalence in England? A large observational study of GP practice data and fluoride levels in drinking water.” January 2015. Center for Health Services Studies, University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent, UK. Web.