Weekend Challenge: Multi-Tasking Osteogenic Loader - Save Our Bones

I’m quite sure you’ll love the Multi-Tasking Osteogenic Loader because it provides some of the same benefits as jogging or walking, but you can do it indoors in a small space. It’s perfect if you live in the Northern Hemisphere, where autumn is slowly but surely setting in.

As its name implies, this weekend’s exercise provides osteogenic loading, which is the principle of applying force to the bones and joints to stimulate new bone formation. The Multi-Tasking Osteogenic Loader applies this bone-building stimulation to the chest, arms, hips, and legs.

Osteogenic loading is most effective when a short rest is taken between sets, as confirmed in a study we’re going to take a look at today.

So get ready for a fun, effective workout!


Osteogenic loading (OL) is a very important aspect of bone health. It’s so important, in fact, that in the spring of 2015, the World Congress On Osteoporosis announced for the first time ever its official recommendation of OL as a viable, drug-free method of treating osteoporosis. Of course, the Osteoporosis Reversal Program has been recommending this all along!

The reason is that OL involves axial loading of the skeleton, which simply means applying force along the longitudinal axis of your body (in other words, from the top of your head through your pelvis and down to your feet). This type of exercise targets all the load-bearing bones and joints, which need to be strengthened to prevent fracture.

Additionally, the Multi-Tasking Osteogenic Loader enhances coordination, which in turn improves balance to prevent falls.

Here are the main bones that are targeted in today’s move.


This is your upper arm bone. The top of your humerus joins with your scapulae and clavicle to form your shoulder joint (also known as the shoulder girdle).


Your scapulae, or shoulder blades, are pivotal in maintaining and correcting your posture, thereby preventing kyphosis.


A part of the shoulder girdle, your clavicle helps keep your shoulders aligned and your chest open, so it’s also a “posture bone.”

Radius and Ulna

These bones make up your lower arm. The tops of these bones form your elbow joint, and the ends form the beginning of your wrist. The radius ends on the same side as your thumb, and the ulna runs along the outside of your arm.


The running-bouncing gait of today’s move is excellent for your femur, or thigh bone. This is a bone you definitely want to strengthen, especially if you’ve ever taken osteoporosis drugs that weaken the femur.

Tibia and Fibula

These bones make up your lower leg. The tibia is the larger of the two, and is also known as your shin bone. The thinner fibula extends below the tibia at your ankle joint, creating the bump on the outside of your ankle.


It’s no secret that the pelvis is a bone of significant concern for those with bone loss. Hip fractures are uniquely devastating, often requiring a long recovery period.

Metatarsals, Calcaneus, and Other Bones of the Feet and Ankles

The complexity of your foot and ankle joint is remarkable. I’ll just touch on the main bones, but the bouncing, back-and-forth movement of your feet in this weekend’s exercise works all the bones in your feet.

Your metatarsals are the long bones that run along the top of your foot and terminate in your toes. The calcaneus is your heel bone, and it slants upward to join the small, puzzle piece-like bones in the back of your foot and ankle. The arch is one of the strongest structures in the world (ask any architect or builder!), and these bones join the metatarsals to make that arch. Flexible and light yet incredibly strong, your feet and ankles are a marvel of engineering!


You’ll need two small dumbbells to do this exercise. Cans of food or water bottles work fine, too, but you can do this without weights while you get the hang of it. Also, make sure you wear comfortable athletic shoes.

  1. Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold one weight in each hand.
  2. “Run” back and forth in place, bringing one foot forward at the same time as you bring the other back. Land, then bounce back up and switch feet while neither foot is touching the ground.
  3. While you’re moving your feet, rhythmically move your arms, too, in the following pattern: bring the weights straight out in front of you, then bend your elbows and bring them in. Then push the weights up over your head, and bend your elbows to bring them back down. Repeat these motions in rhythm with your feet.
  4. Rather than counting reps, time this exercise for 30 seconds; that’s one set. Stop, rest for 10 seconds, and then repeat for another 30 seconds. If you can, repeat this pattern until you’ve exercised a total of five sets (and rested for 50 seconds total). If you can only do this for a couple of sets, no problem – you can work up to more.
  5. Make sure you rest 10 seconds between sets, since, as explained below, it has been scientifically shown to enhance the bone-building effect of OL.

The Multi-Tasking Osteogenic Loader goes well with these two other Weekend Challenges: the Leg-Eye Coordination Improver and the Dynamic Hip And Core Builder.

Why Resting Between Sets Is Important

For one thing, it feels good to rest during an OL workout! But there’s more to it.
According to research using two very different animal models (birds and mice), scientists found that a brief rest between OL sets actually enhances the bone-building effect.

The researchers studied the ulnas of turkeys and the tibias of mice that were subjected to OL, with and without periodic rests. The animals that were allowed a brief rest between each “loading cycle” (this would be the equivalent of a set in the exercise above) showed enhanced osteoblast activity. The scientists rationalized that:

“…it should be possible to augment bone structure without subjecting an individual to high-magnitude high-impact loading. If so, low-magnitude or mild exercise regimes interspersed with rest intervals between load cycles may prove a safe and highly effective treatment for both acute…and chronic (e.g., paralysis or aging induced) bone loss.”1

Each rest period gives the bone-building cells a moment to “recover” from the stimulation of OL and start the deposition process.

The researchers conclude the following:

“In summary, insertion of a 10-s (seconds) rest interval between each load cycle transformed a low-magnitude minimally osteogenic loading regimen into a potent osteogenic stimulus in two distinct in vivo models of bone adaptation.”

Work More Osteogenic Loading Into Your Exercise Routine

I know that not everyone may be able to perform high-impact exercises. If this describes you, don’t despair. There are plenty of low-impact yet highly effective bone-building moves. You’ll find both types (and much more) in the Densercise™ Epidensity Training System.

At the very beginning of the Densercise™ manual, you’ll read the following:

“Because short bursts of intense exercise build bones most efficiently, most of the exercises will be done in sets of three followed by a 10-seconds rest, for a duration of five minutes.”

As you can see, Densercise™ is set up to provide you with maximum osteoblastic activity, and not just because of the suggested evidence-based 10 seconds rest between moves. The Densercise™ Epidensity Training System also includes an Eating Guide, so you’ll know exactly what foods to eat before and after exercise, to accelerate your bone-building results. Plus thanks to its digital format, you can get started minutes after you place your order.

As always, I invite you to comment on today’s exercise. Feel free to let the community know how the Multi-Tasking Osteogenic Loader works for you!

Enjoy the weekend!


1 Srinivasan, Sundar, et al. “Low-Magnitude Mechanical Loading Becomes Osteogenic When Rest Is Inserted Between Each Load Cycle.” J Bone Miner Res. 17. 9. (2002): 1613-1620. Web. September 15, 2016. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1435731/

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  1. Susan Oswald

    What is the cost of theBOOK, “Bone Appetite” ?
    .I don’t want the digital….

    • Save Institute Customer Support

      We’re sorry, Susan, but all of our products are digitally delivered to your inbox; there are no print books available. For information on ordering the electronic version of Bone Appetit, please go to this link:


  2. Joyce Leedy

    What is the best calcium magnesium ratio

  3. Joan

    Can you clear up a question I have? You recommend not using almond milk because of the calcium cabonate but checking the ingr.and it is tri-calcium phosphate is this ok.I have been using unsweetened almond milk for quite a time now as you did not recommend cows milk.Thanks

    • Barbara poetker

      I’m interested in Vivian’s reply to Joan as I too thought Vivian recommended almond milk???

    • Customer Support

      Hi Joan,

      Please check your inbox for a message from Customer Support. 🙂

  4. Don

    Another exercise … appears so good if I could only maintain an interest!

    I have osteoporosis and am very aware that exercise is very important for me but for some reason I am unable to maintain an interest. I have started an exercise program several times but I detest doing it and end up giving up sometimes after sticking it out for a few frustrating weeks.

    • Vivian Goldschmidt, MA

      You’re not alone, Don! Many people find it challenging to stick to a regular exercise regimen. Take a look at this blog post on this topic – perhaps one of the tips will work for you. 🙂


      • Linda

        I am the same way with exercise. I rarely ever sit down and when I do stop, I hate to exercise. ughhhh I have 11 grandchildren and the oldest is five plus I work from home. I am VERY active but I know I need strengthening exercises. I have a -3 in spine but am ok everywhere else on my dexa.

  5. Harla

    My multi vitamin patch has calcium carbonate. I can’t get all my calcium from foods because of medical diet restrictions. I need the patch to supplement my vitamins. What can I do. Can’t take oral vitamins or minerals.

  6. Debbie

    I read your comment regarding taking calcium carbonate and that it is harmful to bones. I consume almond milk which contains calcium carbonate. Should I stop drinking this or any other food items that contains this? Is it ok to supplement with calcium citrate. I am trying real hard to consume all “natural calcium”. Please clarify.

    • Susan Oswald

      I would like your answer, Vivian, to the problem with almond milk. I quit dairy milk after reading Save our Bones, but I want to know the answer to the value of almond milk.
      I first took calcium carbonate for a few years and then found out that I had osteoporosis. So I switched to calcium citrate because it was written up to be assimilated better than other types. Now I am taking Citracal + D3, only 200 mg. per day (my family doctor’s advice). Seems like too little. What is right or wrong with
      this? I appreciate all that you write, and have learned very much from you, but would wish for your answers to the questions that are printed, such as, ” What milk should we use???”

      • Donna

        I drink almond milk too and also add to my smoothies I was diagnosed with osteoporosis what can I use instead is coconut milk ok

  7. Pat

    Thank you Vivian especially for the exercises. I really appreciate this site and
    all the information you describe so well. Also the recipes which are so helpful
    in how to prepare the right foods.


  8. Olive

    Is it safe to take algaecal and strongium and tripple omega fish oil? Can anyone help here.

  9. Linda Cramer

    Jumping hurts my knees–is marching in place a good alternative?

    • Vivian Goldschmidt, MA

      Of course you can march instead of jump if your knees hurt. To make the marching version more efficient, you can eventually wear light ankle weights while doing the exercise (provided your knees won’t hurt because of the weights). Stay fit!

  10. Jil Tunks

    I am osteopenic and was told by my doctor that I should stop taking calcium because it doesn’t help prevent bo e loss or build bone. I had not heard this before. What are your thoughts?

    • Vivian Goldschmidt, MA

      Your doctor gave you incomplete advice (to say the least). Yes, if you’ve been taking calcium carbonate, you should certainly stop, since it causes more harm than good. But you should also eat as many calcium-rich foods as possible and supplement with organic calcium.

      • Jan Franks

        What is organic calcium?

        • Vivian Goldschmidt, MA

          Hi Jan,

          Organic calcium is calcium derived from plants, such as algae. There is a great deal of calcium information here – feel free to do a search!

  11. Mary Kanya

    Do you have an exercise that will help to firm up muscles on arms.

  12. Marlene Villar

    Good morning Vivian,
    Thank you very, very much for sharing these timely
    Have a wonderful day. Marlene

    • Vivian Goldschmidt, MA

      Glad you like this exercise, Marlene!

  13. Caryl

    Vivian, why are you so wonderful? This is so fine a thing for a person to do and it is so appreciated. I just really really thank you. I did have an infusion a couple of months ago I will look forward to seeing if that was beneficial
    God bless,
    Caryl Antwarg

    • Vivian Goldschmidt, MA

      You’re very welcome, Caryl!

  14. Christine Morris

    I think exercise is far better than medicines. At my last meeting with my ‘Bone’ doctor he said there was nothing he could do for me apart from to tell me ‘use it or lose it’. I didn’t tell him I’m the sort of woman who has always done that – exercise has always been a big part of my life and now, with the help of Vivian’s diet, I’m still doing far more than many 80year olds. Must be some truth in it, so I’m carrying on with Vivian’s good advice. Thank you Vivian!

    • Vivian Goldschmidt, MA

      You’re a true inspiration to our Savers, Christine! Love your attitude and commitment to natural bone health 🙂

  15. Mary Corrigan

    I am 50 years old, 126 lbs, and had significant boneloss due to injury which led to prolonged inactivity and physical therapy. I have been following your dietary guidelines and workout program for a few months now. I also do some additional exercises from my PT and I was wondering if it’s less effective to do 3 sets of 8 different exercises with some rest beween each, than doing all sets of one exercise with 10 second rest between before moving on to the next exercise?
    Thanks so much for your program and great advice!

    • Vivian Goldschmidt, MA

      Hi Mary,

      To answer your question, it’s best to stick to one exercise at a time, with a 10 second rest. Keep exercising for your bones!

  16. Christine

    I am loosing bone at about three times the normal rate and for no apparent reason. Is there any way I can stop this.

    • Claire

      Christine, you should see an endocrinologist and see if your parathyroid glands are the problem. Excellent website is parathyroid.com from Tampa, FL.

    • Vivian Goldschmidt, MA

      You’ve come to the right place, Christine. At the Save Institute, we believe wholeheartedly (and scientific evidence agrees) that there is much you can do about reversing bone loss. I hope you will continue to peruse the site and learn as much as you can about helping your bones.

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