The Save Institute has always been a natural health advocate, questioning Big Pharma, the Medical Establishment and dubious medical technology.
One of the many tools used to convince doctors to prescribe dangerous and ineffective osteoporosis drugs has recently come under scrutiny for lying to its users and promoters about its relationship with the World Health Organization (WHO).
Amazingly, the disavowal came from none other than the WHO itself, further showing the dismal failure of the Fracture Risk Assessment Tool, commonly known as FRAX® .1
In today’s post you’ll discover the story behind the flawed Fracture Risk Assessment Tool and the unbelievable conflicts of interest surrounding its creation.
FRAX® : An Assessment Tool With A Foregone Conclusion
I’d like to first clarify that the Save Institute has been holding the legitimacy of FRAX® to the fire from the get-go.
FRAX® is an evaluation tool that is marketed primarily to doctors as an aid to assessing fracture risk, diagnosing osteoporosis and osteopenia, and prescribing the harmful and ineffective osteoporosis drugs pushed by Big Pharma.2
It was developed in 2008 by a task force led by Professor John Kanis at the University of Sheffield in the UK with the support of several Osteoporosis and bone health organizations. While it is true that the WHO had designated this University of Sheffield department as a WHO Collaborating Centre for Metabolic Bone Diseases, the organization has now disclosed that it did not fully review, evaluate or approve FRAX® .
The integrity of the research that led to the creation of the FRAX model was egregiously compromised by the direct conflicts of interest. Unrestricted research grants were given to Professor Kanis by Merck, Lilly, Pfizer, and virtually every other giant pharmaceutical corporation.3 Savers will not be surprised to learn that this is standard operating procedure between medical researchers, Big Pharma, and some healthcare providers.
Why Is That So Appalling?
The researchers created a “tool” to legitimize the need for doctors to prescribe drugs manufactured by the companies who funded the research. That’s more than just suspicious, it’s a clear case of scientists accepting money to produce results that benefit their funders, even if those results are unreliable, useless and harmful to untold thousands of lives.2
The way this particular gambit functions is that the FRAX® calculator provides broader means for health care providers to assess fracture risk, meaning that more patients are diagnosed with a high risk of fracture. And the sad reality is that doctors are trained to prescribe medicines, so once they have a diagnosis, they immediately prescribe osteoporosis drugs.
The lower the threshold for (wrongly) declaring a pharmaceutical necessary, the more money those big drug companies rake in. It’s ludicrous that anyone would trust a diagnostic tool effectively paid for by the companies who stand to profit from the diagnosis, especially given that there are other means of evaluating bone health.
We’re Just Getting Started
As if all the facts mentioned so far weren’t a clear enough signal that the science behind FRAX® is dubious at best, based on the new disclosure by the WHO, they have been profiting from a misleading and unauthorized use of the World Health Organization’s name and logo.
Their statement states quite plainly that:
“…the FRAX® tool to evaluate fracture risks of patients is not a ‘WHO tool’ and has not been developed, endorsed, evaluated or validated by WHO, notwithstanding any public statements and claims to that effect.”1
And yet we rarely see the FRAX® tool recommended or discussed without the mention of the World Health Organization. The American College of Rheumatology describes the tool as “developed by the World Health Organization.”4 The International Osteoporosis Foundation recommends its use as “The WHO Fracture Risk Assessment Tool.”5 You can see why the WHO is attempting to clear their name of association with the product.
Their statement goes on to say as follows:
“…it should be clear that any treatment recommendations integrated within the FRAX® tool have not been evaluated by WHO’s Guidelines Review Committee and should not be construed as WHO-endorsed recommendations.”1
You Can’t Review What You Can’t See
If you’re wondering why they don’t just review the tool and make a decision, there’s a terrifying reason. The creators and owners of the diagnostic tool won’t disclose to anyone how it functions. The company has refused to share its methodology!
The WHO states as follows:
“WHO has no access to the algorithms, coefficients or underlying data on which the FRAX® tool and its national variations have been developed. Consequently WHO is unable to, and does not, express any opinion regarding the scientific value of the FRAX® tool.“1
No one is able to evaluate the scientific value of the tool, because its creators have taken the highly unscientific step of hiding how it works, making replication and verification of its methods impossible.
Even the doctors who are using this tool to diagnose (or misdiagnose) patients with osteoporosis and osteopenia, a condition that describes merely a risk of a risk, do not know how it works.
Not Falling For Lies And Hype
The Save Institute has always held a cautionary and negative view of FRAX® , and has warned from the get-go of its failures. Chapter two of the Osteoporosis Reversal Program is dedicated to explaining the flawed process of diagnosing osteoporosis and all the medical equipment and systems that are used. It includes a detailed discussion of DXA scans and FRAX® .
Here’s an excerpt on FRAX® from the Osteoporosis Reversal Program, Chapter Two, page 28:
“The FRAX calculator completely ignores several important factors affecting bone health, especially those relating to lifestyle, such as diet and exercise. As flawed as this system may be, FRAX represents a small step forward in reminding doctors to not only rely on DXA scans. The FRAX score can make doctors aware that patients who fit the osteoporosis T-score parameters may not really be at high risk for fracture and can therefore make a prescription determination accordingly.”
If you’ve been diagnosed with osteoporosis or osteopenia, the Osteoporosis Reversal Program will show you how to turn a frightening diagnosis into an empowering, and healthful life without ever having to take dangerous and toxic osteoporosis drugs. So if you did not get it yet, give it a try. And with our one year, no-questions-asked money-back guarantee, there’s no risk whatsoever. So why risk not knowing how to tackle your bone health naturally?
Stop Worrying About Your Bone Loss
Join thousands of Savers from around the world who have reversed or prevented their bone loss naturally and scientifically with the Osteoporosis Reversal Program.
Till next time,
1 https://www.who.int/bulletin/volumes/94/12/16-188532/en/
2 Teppo L.N. Järvinen, MD PhD, Jarkko Jokihaara, MD PhD, et. al. “Conflicts at the heart of the FRAX tool” CMAJ. 2014 Feb 18; 186(3): 165–167. doi: 10.1503/cmaj.121874. Web: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3928201/
3 Appendix to: Järvinen TLN, Jokihaara J, Guy P, et al. Conflicts at the heart of the FRAX tool. CMAJ 2013. DOI:10.1503/cmaj.121874. https://www.cmaj.ca/content/suppl/2013/12/23/cmaj.121874.DC1/frax-jarvinen-1-at.pdf
4 https://www.rheumatology.org/I-Am-A/Rheumatologist/Research/Clinician-Researchers/Fracture-Risk-Assessment-Tool-FRAX
5 https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/08/160823112007.htm
I would like for you to elaborate on Forteo with someone who has Stickler Syndrome. Thanks. Enjoy all of your info. Lifestyle was ruined by Prolia in 2011 with only 1 shot.
Hi, I was diagnosed with Osteoporosis 15 months ago, I had a -T3 spine and hip, and -T6 in R forearm. Panicked into taking Prolia and am now on my 3rd course which ceases to be effective in May 2017. I’ve been following the guidance in Save our Bones and doing weights and exercise every day as well as following a bone friendly diet. My latest report was that I had increased bone density by 5% which is probably mostly due to retention of osteoclast cells. I’m considering discontinuing the Prolia as I’d prefer to do things naturally. How long will it take to get the drug right out of my system? Keep up the great work! Mary
I went for a bone density on 1/16/2017. I received my results today the 18th. The t-score is -3. Doctor wants to start me on prolia. I exercise regularly but cant do heavy exercises because of RA. Is there any suggestions?
Being 65yrs old I went for a Dexa Scan and was told I had osteoporosis. Was also encouraged to take the usual medication but decided against it. I joined a fitness club for weight resistance training and do daily walks. Also have been taking daily algaecal with 2000 units of Vitamin D. If not much credibility is given to Dexa and Frax, should I bother to take another scan to see if my readings have changed?
It’s up to you, Robin. If you want to see your progress, by all means get another scan; but remember that there’s a lot more to bone health than just T-score numbers 🙂
I would like to know how you feel about the Whole Body vibration machine mentioned in a comment today.
I am 73 years old and have just had a partial mastectomy for invasive ductal cancer. I am suppose to have two adjuvant therapies. My tumor about 1 cm, no lymph node involvement, margins free, postmenopausal all equal stage one. The therapies 16-30 radiation treatments and Anastrozole for five years. The physician who will RX tells me the major side effects of the drug is osteoporosis and it would be no problem because he could give me injections such as Reclast. I tried explaining that I would not take the medication and why, and you can imagine his attitude. Any suggestions?
Do whole body vibration machine workouts help build bone density, reduce inflammation in joints and muscles?
Are they really safe?
Hi Jan,
Vibrating plates are still shrouded with controversy. For example, people with spinal injuries, such as slipped discs or pinched nerves may increase damage by using the machine. I have not researched vibrating machines in great detail, because there are so many other ways to increase density without the added expense of this equipment.
Do you have an exercise book, I can buy? Can’t do internet.
I have one of those machines as well. I was thinking of selling it but if someone can tell if its valuable for osteoporosis I would once again start to use it
Hi Mary,
Thanks for your interest! All of our products are digital e-books and are not available in hard copy. But you do not need to be connected to the internet to read them; once they are delivered to your inbox, you can save them to your hard drive. The exception to this is the Densercise video collection, where Vivian briefly demonstrates each move; this is viewed online.
This is very interesting. A little over a year ago I was diagnosed with osteoporosis after a bone density scan. My FRAX results showed 17% for any fracture risk and 4% for hip fracture risk. My nurse practitioner and I discussed the options I had for treatment. I chose not to take pharmaceuticals because of the noted side effects and instead embarked on natural treatment: exercise, a more alkaline diet, algae derived calcium. Now to receive this news I wonder if I even have osteoporosis. Well, I’ve got an annual check-up scheduled in a few weeks and I’ll bring this article to my NP. She’s very open to new information and alternative medicine. Thank you for sharing this. Very timely, indeed.
Hi Nancy,
The good news is, even if the osteoporosis “diagnosis” was erroneous, it provided a motivation for you to adopt a bone-healthy lifestyle and diet, which is always a good idea! 🙂
Yes, indeed! And I can’t tell you how much better I feel and how much more energy I have. Thanks!
Your information is excellent and so reassuring! Very grateful. Really appreciate the way new info and advice just keeps on coming! Thank you so much, Vivian.
I am so glad, Renee. Thank you for your dedication to learning!
I was interested to read this article as I had seen my doctor use FRAX a couple of years ago. When my gynaecologist initially sent me for a bone scan 4 years ago it came back saying I had osteopenia and osteoporosis, so she sent me to a rheumatologist, who consulted FRAX and said as I only had a 2% risk of fracture he would not prescribe any drugs. He simply said I should eat more foods on the list he gave me and exercise in the sunlight! I was very pleased with his recommendations as I would not have taken the drigs anyway.
What a great rheumatologist, Liz!