Are You Eating These 3 Delicious, Detoxifying, Bone-Building Herbs? (Recipe Included) - Save Our Bones

Today we’re going to take an in-depth look at the bone health, overall health, and detoxification properties of three flavorful easy-to-find herbs. I also give you a scrumptious recipe to get you started.

Fortunately, as you’ll soon see, detoxification can be a pleasant – even delicious – experience!

I’d like to start with a decorative herb that more often than not gets ignored. Don’t overlook the …

1. Parsley

This humble herb contains various Foundation Supplements that build bone, and it also has potent kidney-cleansing properties.

Bone-Health Benefits Of Parsley

Parsley’s Vitamin C and Vitamin K content earned it a place among the Foundation Foods in the Osteoporosis Reversal Program. Because it’s both alkalizing and a flavorful garnish, it’s an excellent way to add flavor and healthful properties to your meals.

Now let’s take a look at the main micronutrients parsley contains:

  • Vitamin C is a Foundation Supplement that plays many roles in bone health. It acts as an antioxidant and a vitamin, and is vital in the production of collagen, which makes up the flexible “scaffold” of bone. Vitamin C is also involved in the production of norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter.
  • Vitamin K, also a Foundation Supplement, is well known for the role it plays in blood clotting. It has a lesser-known role in bone health, where it works with Vitamin D to regulate osteoclast production and helps regulate bone turnover.
  • B-Complex Vitamins are also found in parsley. These Foundation Supplements are vital for bone health, even though you won’t hear anything about them from your doctor. B vitamins reduce levels of a harmful amino acid known as homocysteine, which can weaken bones and undermine cognitive function.

Parsley also contains bone-healthy apigenin, a flavonoid that boosts osteoblast growth, increases collagen in bone cells, and also helps alkalize the body by stimulating an enzyme called alkaline phosphatase.

Parsley has even more benefits that go beyond bone health.

Whole-Body Benefits Of Parsley

Parsley may help inhibit cancerous tumors thanks to its myristicin content, an organic compound that counteracts free radicals and may offset the carcinogenic effects of tobacco smoke.

Parsley also contains luteolin, an antioxidant that has been shown in studies to enhance memory. Luteolin is also a powerful anti-inflammatory that inhibits cytokine expression in nerve cells of the spine and brain.

Parsley has potassium, a very important nutrient that is necessary to balance sodium in the diet and regulate intra and intercellular water. Parsley’s connection with water and electrolyte balance, as well as its high B vitamin content, make it an excellent herb for cleansing the kidneys.

Now, perhaps, you won’t be so quick to throw out that sprig of parsley on your plate!

The type used for garnish is usually curly-leafed parsley, but flat-leafed has similar health properties. In fact, flat-leafed parsley resembles the next herb we’ll review next…

2. Cilantro

With its distinctive, assertive flavor, cilantro seems to be one of those herbs that people love or hate. But regardless of how you feel about the taste, cilantro contains several bone-healthy nutrients. Like parsley, it is also a cleansing herb.

Bone-Health Benefits Of Cilantro

  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin A works with antioxidants to guard your bones against oxidative damage, and it boosts the function of your primary detoxification organs, the liver and kidneys. This is far more important for your bone health than you may realize, because toxin accumulation is deleterious for bone density and integrity.
  • Zinc is found in cilantro, a trace mineral that helps in bone tissue formation. In fact, zinc is vital for normal cell division and activation, regulating growth in children and stimulating bone building in the adult skeleton.
  • Cilantro also contains calcium and magnesium, crucial minerals for building bone. Calcium’s role in bone health is well known, while magnesium is lesser known. But magnesium deficiency is surprisingly prevalent in Western societies, even though magnesium is required for more than 300 enzymatic reactions and much more. And approximately 60 percent of all magnesium in your body is found in your bones.

Like parsley, cilantro also contains potassium and it also has general health benefits.

Whole-Body Benefits of Cilantro

Animal research suggests that cilantro protects the heart against oxidative damage, and prevents myocardial infarction.1 Like nearly all plant foods, cilantro has powerful antioxidants that protect not just the heart, but the whole body.

The herb may also have calming effects, promoting sleep and reducing anxiety.2 Some herbalists recommend cilantro tea for calming digestive problems.

One of cilantro’s most remarkable benefits is its cleansing effect on the body. It is particularly effective at heavy metal chelation, which means it binds to the toxic ions of heavy metals like mercury and cadmium so they can be excreted from the body. It is particularly effective when combined with chlorella, a single-celled alga that is a popular vegan source of Vitamin B12.

Another herb with an assertive, fresh flavor is…

3. Peppermint

All of the many mints (spearmint, mountain mint, cat mint, etc.) have healthful benefits. Peppermint is an easy-to-grow herb that can be used in savory or sweet dishes.

Bone-Health Benefits Of Peppermint

Peppermint (mentha piperita) makes an alkalizing, refreshing tea that can be enjoyed hot or cold, and it can be chopped and incorporated into several delicious dishes. As you’ll read next, it contains some important nutrients and Foundation Supplements.

  • Copper is a trace mineral and Foundation Supplement that your bones need for the manufacture of collagen. Copper is part of a crucial trio of zinc and manganese, also found in peppermint.
  • Manganese is a Foundation Supplement that joins with copper and zinc to create a critical, bone-protecting antioxidant called Superoxide Dismutase.
  • Vitamin C (see above)
  • Calcium (see above)

It’s easy to overlook the powerful health benefits of an herb as common as peppermint; but this herb has benefits for the whole body as well.

Whole-Body Benefits Of Peppermint

Like so many green, leafy foods, peppermint is rich in antioxidants. It is a well-known digestive aid, relieving nausea and many symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. Peppermint relaxes smooth muscle tissue, which is one of the reasons it helps relieve the pain associated with bowel problems and sore throats.

A study conducted in 2007 supports peppermint’s role as a muscle spasm relaxer, with peppermint oil relieving the colon spasms brought on by barium enemas. The same study showed peppermint to be an effective dyspepsia (indigestion) treatment as well.3

Like parsley and cilantro, peppermint is an effective toxin cleanser, largely because of its effect on the liver. Peppermint increases the flow of bile in the liver, helping to break down fats, including cholesterol. When fat digestion is facilitated, decreasing cholesterol, it helps boost a sluggish liver by removing a significant burden.

Using These Three Bone-Healthy, Cleansing Herbs

Parsley, cilantro, and peppermint are very “user friendly.” They are sold in just about every grocery store or supermarket and can be easily added to foods or made into teas.

The following recipe is a delicious dish that uses fresh peppermint. It is not only delicious in itself, but it can also serve to give you ideas for using these herbs.

Crunchy Mint Quinoa

100% Alkalizing

2 Servings

This crunchy, minty dish fuses savory flavors with naturally sweet mint.


  • 1 medium-sized red onion, cut into slivers
  • 1/2 cup quinoa, cooked
  • 2  tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1/4 cup fresh peppermint, chopped (reserve a few whole leaves for garnish)
  • 1/4 cup almonds, slivered and toasted
  • 1 tablespoon sunflower seeds
  • Sea salt and pepper to taste


  1. In a large pan on medium heat, sauté the onion with a dash of sea salt in 2 tablespoons of olive oil until soft and slightly caramelized. Add the quinoa to heat until warm.
  2. Meanwhile, lightly toast the almonds in a small skillet on a low flame for about 5 minutes. Stir frequently to prevent burning (they can go from toasty to burnt in just a second, so keep an eye on them the entire time).
  3. Chop the peppermint, reserving a few leaves for garnish.
  4. Stir the warm quinoa, cooked onion, toasted almonds and fresh mint until evenly mixed, and garnish with peppermint leaves.

Cleansing Is Easy With Everyday Foods!

I love Crunchy Mint Quinoa as an alkalizing side dish to balance turkey or chicken. It also makes an excellent main dish. Regardless of how you serve it, the takeaway here is that cleansing foods can be incorporated into your bone-healthy diet.

When I developed the Osteoporosis Fresh Start Cleanse: The 7 Day Bone Building Accelerator, I based it in part on this concept: simple, key foods and a few new habits can bring about big changes.

Some cleanses require you to hole up and stay home for a week or more, or they require you to take large amounts of supplements.

The Osteoporosis Fresh Start Cleanse is different.

It is very “doable,” with an emphasis on key cleansing foods like the ones discussed above. But don’t let its simplicity fool you –- the Osteoporosis Fresh Start Cleanse is highly effective at removing toxins, including osteoporosis drugs.

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Discover how the Osteoporosis Fresh Start Cleanse can flush osteoporosis drugs and other bone-damaging toxins from your system – in just seven days.

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The Osteoporosis Fresh Start Cleanse gives your liver and kidneys a much-needed break, leaving you feeling more energized and alkalizing your system. The Osteoporosis Fresh Start Cleanse does not include any animal products at all, so vegetarians and vegans can easily take part in his healthful cleanse.

I always love to hear from you. If you have a favorite recipe or way of enjoying parsley, cilantro, or peppermint, please share with the community by posting a comment below.

Till next time,


1 Patel, DK, et al. “Cardio protective effect of Coriandrum sativum L. on isoproterenol induced myocardial necrosis in rats.” Food Chem Toxicol. 2012 Sep;50(9):3120-5. doi: 10.1016/j.fct.2012.06.033. Web.

2 Mahendra, P and Bisht, S. “Anti-anxiety activity of Coriandrum sativum assessed using different experimental anxiety models.” Indian J Pharmacol. 2011 Sep;43(5):574-7. doi: 10.4103/0253-7613.84975. Web.

3 Kligler, B, Chaudhary, S. “Peppermint oil.” Am Fam Physician. 2007 Apr 1;75(7):1027-30. Review. Web.

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  1. Rose

    I found your article very interesting and you are absolutely right, we should all listen to our own bodies. I have Paget’s disease of the bone. I also have osteopenia and osteoarthritis. My doctor has put me on a hormone replacement therapy, however, I am concerned because of the side effects, i.e. blood clots after age 65 (which run in my family) I am 67. Please advise if this product would help me.

    • Vivian Goldschmidt, MA

      It’s good that you’re paying attention to your body’s signals, Rose. In fact, it’s normal for certain hormones to dwindle with age, which is why hormone replacement therapy is not recommended on the Osteoporosis Reversal Program. So if you’re concerned about side effects, and your body seems to be sending the message that this is not right for you, remember that you are free to choose not to take the hormones…or any medication for that matter!

  2. Marilyn

    I’m sad to hear the cilantro is such a healthy food. There is a small percentage of the population, of which I am a member, to whom cilantro tastes really terrible. I knew I was missing out on a taste experience, but not on nutrition. Luckily, I usually replace cilantro with parsley when doing my own cooking.

  3. Alice

    We enjoy parsley. For Mother’s Day I was given a clay pot with two kinds of parsley. It is delicious in salads and we like it in smoothies, too

    • Vivian Goldschmidt, MA

      What a nice gift, Alice!

  4. Loy

    We use these herbs in Asian cooking quite a lot. We grow these as mosquito and insect repellents in the garden.
    You can add them in everyday Chinese stir-fry dishes or Malay and Indian cooking that are spicy and flavourful.
    Just use what nature gives you for natural goodness to save money as well.

  5. Loy

    I love peppermint tea. Will have more of parsley and coriander in my food.
    We do not eat much quinoa, what staple can we use instead?

  6. JoJOe

    Listen to your body. You’re natural cravings are usually NEVER about debauchery. If you crave chocolate you may need an energy boost, be suffering from walking depression. Have brain fog and other conditions that cravings can identify with.
    Go shopping and do every isle of food and listen to your wants.
    Some weeks it’s high in dairy, others high in grains or meats or fish.
    I had a great week of beets and bananas and beans, it was like an alphabet fest of B’s. But it was all organic and gobbled up with great enthusiasm. I ate little else.
    So.. just listen.. this week it’s herbs and garden vegies or this month a slathering of fruit and fish. Listen to your gut.. HAHA..
    and follow your desires. Don’t think it will lead you astray either, your gut and desire will not allow you to eat chocolate 24-7. So don’t worry or feel guilty, those 2 things alone will lead you to the bigger problems you never need.

  7. Teresa Ochoa

    Thank u for this valuable information, Vivian.
    I love to eat cilantro, and it is part of almost every day of my meals. I mix it with quinoa, avocado, and use it on my venezuelan kind of soups. However, I hate the flavor of parsley, and peppermint does not go well in my stomach, make me bloated. Still, I appreciate your e mails, which are making me eat more vegetables than meats

  8. shula

    Most of this information is known, but it’s good to be reminded. Thanks!

  9. penny peed

    Thank you for into on herbs. I love peppermint, but those of us with a hiatal hernia (according to my internist) need to avoid it. Not so?

  10. Judy

    These three herbs are some of my favorites.
    But, in order to get the full benefits from them, how much of them should I eat each week?

    • Quebec City

      In order to fulfill major mineral requirements herbs are not very useful, as one would get only 67 grams of calcium for 100 grams of cilantro (
      Herbs would be useful as antioxidants and as sources of compounds having an effect on the body, such as increasing osteoblast activity.

    • Vivian Goldschmidt, MA

      Hi Judy,

      There is no need to eat these herbs at every meal, or even every day. There is no “cookie cutter” quantity recommendation for deriving the most benefit, but a good place to start is to use these herbs in foods three or four times a week.

  11. Gail roberts

    Hi vivian! I often freeze these herbs and then use them in cooked dishes… Does the freezing and cooking destroy any of the nutritional values?
    Thanks, gail

    • Vivian Goldschmidt, MA

      Freezing herbs is a great way to preserve them, Gail. It is important to blanch the herbs for a few seconds in boiling water and then immerse them in ice water before freezing in order to kill microbes and deactivate enzymes associated with spoiling. And if possible, freeze the herbs at zero degrees for maximum nutrient preservation. 🙂

  12. Laisa


    Thank you very much for all the information and the recipes! I use the 3 herbs mostly dried as spices, I wonder whether they have the same benefits as using them fresh? Many thanks Vivien 😉

    • Joyce

      I didn’t get the reply about using dried herbs such as peppermint

    • Vivian Goldschmidt, MA

      Hi Laisa,

      You are welcome! And using dried herbs is fine, although some water-soluble constituents may not be as bioavailable in dried herbs. Just use about half the amount as fresh so as not to overpower the dish.

  13. Betty

    Thanks again for sharing this information. Sure makes it easier for us savers to be reminded of food sources that are good for us.

    • Vivian Goldschmidt, MA

      You are welcome, Betty. It does help to bring a food into the “spotlight” now and then!

  14. deborah foster

    ,,,thank you Vivien for this information, I knew that Cilantro, Parsley and Mint were good for you but had no idea how good….presume that like any other ‘supertype food’ the quantity is all important so from now on will step up the amount I use…easy to do that in soups particularly the Parsley and Cilantro…

    • Vivian Goldschmidt, MA

      Hi Deborah,

      Isn’t it amazing what the humblest of foods has to offer? It is always fascinating to research these various herbs and foods.

  15. R. Lalitha

    Thank you for giving delicious and healthful recipies.

    • Vivian Goldschmidt, MA

      I am glad you appreciate the recipes, R!

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