Here’s Why You Should Add Dandelions To Your Bone-Healthy Diet - Save Our Bones

Dandelions are often disregarded as a weed or a wildflower, but today you’ll learn how they can play a powerful role in your fight for stronger bones and healthier living.

We’ll look at ways to incorporate dandelion into your bone-building diet, and all about the benefits of this inauspicious plant. From antioxidant compounds to anti-inflammatory effects, dandelion is one powerful flower.

A Few Facts About Dandelion

When you hear the word dandelion your first association might be weeds. You’re likely imagining a little yellow flower– perhaps bursting forth from an otherwise well-manicured lawn.

That so-called-weed has been used in traditional medicinal practices and cuisines for centuries– and for more than just its yellow petals. The entire plant, from leaves to roots, is useful in different ways.

The scientific name for the most common variety of dandelion is Taraxacum officinale. It’s a perennial plant, returning year after year to flower and produce its recognizable globe of seeds. Some other names for dandelions are blowball, milk witch, Irish daisy, and wild endive.


Dandelions are often regarded as weeds, but they've been part of medicinal practices and traditional foods for centuries all over the world. The entire plant has valuable uses, from root to flower.

Bone Health Benefits Of Dandelion

Eating dandelion might sound strange to you, but not only is it totally normal for many people, but it also offers incredible benefits for bone health.

    1. Anti-Oxidant Compounds – Dandelions contain an abundance of beta carotene, an antioxidant that protects against cellular damage caused by oxidative stress. The whole plant, but especially the flower, is rich in polyphenols that serve as antioxidants in the body. Oxidation threatens the bone remodeling process– including the cells that build new bone.
    2. Rich In Foundation Supplements – Dandelions contain a number of vitamins and minerals that are among the Osteoporosis Reversal Program's Foundation Supplements, including Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Vitamin K, and the minerals iron, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. These compounds are essential for building and maintaining strong bones.
    3. Fights Inflammation – Dandelion's anti-inflammatory effect has a positive impact on bone health because inflammation hinders the bone remodeling process. Studies found that dandelion reduced markers of inflammation in test tubes.1 A study with mice found a reduction in lung inflammation among people with inflammatory lung disease when they received dandelion.2


Dandelion benefits bones by preventing oxidative stress, providing bone-building vitamins and minerals, and reducing inflammation.

Whole Body Benefits Of Dandelion

Dandelion’s power doesn't stop at the bone. Its wide array of compounds also supports the health and well-being of the entire body.

    1. Inulin – Dandelion root is a great source of inulin, a form of soluble fiber that maintains a healthy gut and digestive tract. That’s essential for overall wellness and the ability to absorb all the nutrients your body needs.
    2. Vitamins And Minerals – Dandelion's vitamin and mineral content has numerous benefits throughout the body. The plant’s Vitamin A, for example, helps support eye health while Vitamin C supports immune function and collagen synthesis.
    3. Chicoric And Chlorogenic Acid – Dandelion contains two bioactive compounds that can help regulate blood sugar levels: chicoric and chlorogenic acid. Studies found they improve insulin sensitivity, and limit the digestion of high-carbohydrate foods.3


Overall health benefits of dandelions include providing inulin (a source of fiber), vitamins and minerals (for eye health, immune health, and more), and chicoric and chlorogenic acid (to regulate blood sugar levels.)

How To Get Dandelion Into Your Diet

If you don't typically eat dandelion, don't worry. It’s quite simple to incorporate into your cooking like other vegetables you already eat. Here are a few ideas to get you started preparing and eating dandelion:

  • Dandelion greens are a popular substitute for other leafy greens and can be prepared and served the same way.
  • Add dandelion greens to a salad for a spicy kick similar to arugula.
  • Reduce dandelions' bitterness by cooking them. Soak the leaves in salted water for ten minutes, then boil until tender. Then saute them with some olive oil and garlic.
  • The plant’s flowers can also be eaten cooked or raw. Add them to salads or boil them into a dandelion tea.
  • Dandelion root is typically dried and ground into a powder that is used to make a tea that is popular as a substitute for coffee.

It’s also possible to take dandelion as a supplement in the form of a capsule, extract, or tincture.

Here are some suggested dosages for different forms of dandelion:

  • Fresh leaves: 4–10 grams daily
  • Dried leaves: 4–10 grams daily
  • Fresh leaf juice: 1 teaspoon (5 mL) twice daily
  • Leaf tincture: 0.4–1 teaspoon (2–5 mL) three times per day
  • Fluid extract: 1–2 teaspoons (5–10 mL) daily
  • Fresh roots: 2–8 grams daily
  • Dried powder: 250–1,000 mg four times per day

Check with your doctor before taking dandelion supplements to avoid drug interactions. Dandelion supplements may interact with lithium, blood thinners, some antibiotics, diuretics, and some heart or blood pressure medications.

Some local natural food stores and farmer’s markets typically carry dandelions. And of course, you can grow dandelions in your garden. Don’t harvest wild dandelions unless you can be certain the area hasn’t been treated with pesticides or other chemicals.


It's easy to incorporate dandelion into your diet or supplement routine. Dandelion greens can be prepared like other leafy greens, and the flowers are edible raw or cooked. Dandelion root is most often dried and ground into a powder for making a dandelion beverage. Supplements are also available but check with your doctor about possible drug interactions.

What This Means To You

Adding new and exciting ingredients to your bone-building diet turns the work of caring for your bone health into a culinary adventure. You can find more novel substitutions and inventive dishes in Bone Appetit, the Save Institute’s cookbook and meal planner. It boasts more than 300 recipes. And when you start mixing and matching ingredients like dandelion into other recipes, the variations are limitless.

Don’t settle for the same-old same-old. Try something fresh. It’ll wake up your brain and your body to new possibilities and a younger you!





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  1. Dawn Miller

    I live in an apartment complex I have no access to fresh dandelions. As kids they grew in our yard and we would pick the flowers for Mom to cook. Is there good tea or supplement I can get?

    • Vivian Goldschmidt, MA

      There are several brands of dandelion tea, and quite a few are organic. You can find them online and in some grocery stores, Dawn.

  2. Pat Boyer

    Hi Vivian

    I have been drinking Roasted Dandelion herbal tea for several years now. Love how it tastes and settles my stomach. My dad’s youngest brother and his wife had a large dandelion garden. They made delicious dandelion wine and juice. They also used the leaves, etc., in salads and cooking. This was like 50-60 years ago.

    • Vivian Goldschmidt, MA

      Nice! Thanks for sharing this with us 🙂

  3. Claire

    Thanks for giving us this interesting and valuabel information Vivian!

    • Vivian Goldschmidt, MA

      You’re very welcome, Claire!

  4. Lori R.

    Excellent news about dandelion greens! One of my favorite salads is dandelion greens, hard-cooked egg and toasted walnuts with a hot dressing of shallots, garlic, extra-virgin olive oil and sherry vinegar. I also enjoy mixing them with other greens, such as broccoli rapini, collards and kale in a “white” lasagna.

    • Vivian Goldschmidt, MA


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