Our thoughts and ideas about our health have a measurable impact on our physiology, according to a study published in the journal Nature. The results of the study give credence to the idea of “mind over matter”– that our understanding and belief can change our physical selves.
Today we'll take an in-depth look at this astonishing study, and at how to harness the power of REthinking bone health, authority, and the harm caused by the Medical Establishment's scare tactics.
How Health Beliefs Change The Body
Researchers at Stanford University conducted a study on a group of 233 participants. They were divided into two groups and given different tests. One group was tested for perceived exertion and running endurance during exercise. The other group was tested for perceived fullness and physiological satiety after food consumption.
Then the individuals were genotyped to determine whether their genetic makeup might influence their performance in the tests. A certain genetic profile might indicate a likelihood of more or less physical endurance during exercise, and satiety when eating.
However, none of the participants were told the actual results of their test. Instead, they were told, at random, that their genes were either “protective” or “high-risk” for the tests they were given. Then the participants were given the same tests again.
The participants' results shifted in the second test to reflect their genetic “diagnosis” regardless of whether or not that diagnosis was correct. For example, when participants were told that their genes cause them to release more of the hormone that creates the feeling of fullness, their bodies released 2.5 times more of the hormone than they had before they were given that diagnosis. Those participants also ate less because of this physical response. This effect happened regardless of the participants' actual genetic makeup.1
For the exercise test, a random selection of participants was told that they had poor endurance genes that might make them tire easily. When those participants took the test again, they couldn't run as long, had reduced lung capacity, and expelled carbon dioxide less effectively. Those who were told they had good endurance genes ran longer than they had before, regardless of what genes they actually carried.1
The conclusion of the study was clear: if you believe a physical reality about yourself to be true, your body will work to manifest that belief.1
A study found that when a person believes their genes will impact physical performance, they experience that impact, regardless of their genetic makeup.
REthinking Bone Health
The results of this study reinforce the REthink step of the RESTORE protocol, a primary tenet of the Osteoporosis Reversal Program. The study shows that receiving a diagnosis aligns your outcome with the diagnosis. That's why we should REthink osteoporosis diagnosis, and stop thinking of osteoporosis as a disease entirely.
When a medical professional in a position of authority tells you that you have a disease, that action has an impact on your mind and body. For many, an osteoporosis diagnosis causes fear and stress, which causes the release of the bone damaging hormone cortisol.2
When doctors treat osteoporosis as a debilitating disease that makes you frail and likely to break a bone, they set you up for that outcome. Just like in the study above, the diagnosis can create the result.
The Save Institute defines osteoporosis as a condition of the skeletal system– a condition caused by the body's attempt to correct a biochemical imbalance, and alterable through dietary and lifestyle changes.
This focus on your agency (your ability to improve your bone health) and goals (strong, high-quality bones) moves you toward a positive outcome.
Osteoporosis diagnoses create fear and feelings of helplessness, both of which lead to negative health outcomes. Instead, the Save Institute recommends you REthink the definition of osteoporosis and REthink the authority of medical professionals who don't engage with your ability to improve your bone quality naturally.
Think Healthy And Be Healthy
You can't build stronger bones just by believing you will build stronger bones. You have to make bone-healthy dietary and lifestyle changes too, but the positive mental factor is also important, as the study analyzed above confirms.
Stay positive about your bone health; don’t let an osteoporosis diagnosis scare you. And remember that you have full control of your health, including your bone health.
Stop Worrying About Your Bone Loss
Join thousands of Savers from around the world who have reversed or prevented their bone loss naturally and scientifically with the Osteoporosis Reversal Program.
1 https://www.nature.com/articles/s41562-018-0483-4?WT.feed_name=subjects_human-behaviour
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I wanted to know if the cookbook vould be ordered different than an ebook. I like a book in hand . I want to do what it takes to build my bones without medicine. I shattered my femur ball this past may after a fall. I’ve done the research on the meds and wont go on them. Would really like to biy your cookbook if I can as a book I get not just e book. Thank you and thank you for all the updates and positive thoughts.
in order to motivate oneself to exercise regularly and eat balanced diet, one has to be willing to let hopefulness into their emotional and spiritual dimension. as the saying is true, a laugh is as good as a dose of medicine as it makes a lot of difference when facing obstacles in life.
Thank you, Ita.
In 2015 I was diagnosed with severe osteoporosis with 4 lumbar fractures. I was devistated as all the doctors were telling me that I was going to get more fractures and put me on medication. My dear husband found Vivienne G. On the Internet . She saved not only my bones but my life as well. After reading her book I became so confident that I stopped medication which I received for 3 weeks and took my life into my own hands. Vivien’s book and her emails have become my second bible. As a result my bone density continues to improve with no more fractures. I am still working as a nurse at 72 years old and often I confront the doctors who are telling me drugs are best. Thank you Viviene , please carry on the good work.
Best wishes
Erini Beggs-england-
What inspiring news from a nurse who has actually been diagnosed with osteoporosis and and knows that Save Our Bones is the best answer .
This article reminds me of a verse from the bible, Proverbs 14 v 30 A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones.
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