Latest Osteoporosis News: New At-Home Bone Screening Test, Study Says Telling The Truth May NOT Be A Good Idea, Alarming New Reasons To Avoid Processed Foods, And More!

Vivian Goldschmidt, MA Inspiration News

7 min Read

Today’s news is packed with fascinating material that will both amaze you and outrage you.

You’ll read about a brand new at-home bone screening test based on the connection between fingernails and bones. You won’t believe why mainstream scientists think that in some cases it’s OK to lie. Also, you’ll probably gasp at the discovery of dangerous new toxins in packaged foods.

And as we welcome spring, I can’t wait to share with you an inspirational music video to lift your mood and erase the last of the winter blues.

Now on to the news…

At-Home Osteoporosis Screening Test Just Launched In The UK

A Dublin company, Crescent Diagnostics, Ltd has released Osentia , an at-home test that screens its users for low bone density.

News Excerpt:

“The Osentia screening process measures the protein keratin in nail clippings, which is used as a surrogate biomarker for collagen, a key indicator of bone strength. Keratin abnormality can indicate a risk of developing osteoporosis.

Having purchased the test, customers send a nail clipping to Crescent’s laboratory where it is analysed. The customer’s result will be presented as one of three risk profiles; green, amber or red.”1

Notice the levels of fracture risk the test indicates – green is little to no risk, amber is moderate risk, and red is high risk. Those with a red result “are advised to visit their GP for a consultation and assessment.”1

“GP” stands for General Practitioner, meaning those who test red are expected to visit their doctor. Chances are the doctor will then prescribe unnecessary osteoporosis drugs. In actuality, those “in the red” can easily reverse their bone density naturally through a pH-balanced diet and exercise.

Savers have known for years that you can test your bone health at home by observing the appearance of your fingernails. In fact, I wrote about the ground-breaking work of Crescent Diagnostics back in 2011.

This fingernail-based method is no less reliable than traditional bone density scans, which are notoriously imprecise.

Yes, Savers are always ahead of the curve, and will continue to be in the future.

Outrageous! Mainstream Researchers Conclude That Telling The Truth Might Not Be A Good Idea

Some researchers are casting doubt on the value of telling the truth. But the part they’re missing is that, in effect, what they consider the “truth” is not really true! Here’s what happened.

When parents were shown videos about the dangers of not vaccinating their children against common childhood diseases, the information backfired: parents who saw the videos indicated they were even less likely to vaccinate their children after seeing evidence in favor of vaccination.

Why? Because obviously the study subjects saw right through the misinformation they were fed. It’s as simple as that! Still, mainstream researchers are scratching their heads at the study results…

News Excerpt:

“…a dose of evidence-based medicine doesn't seem to be convincing some parents to get their kids vaccinated.

To find out why, Nyhan and his team conducted a trial and exposed parents to one of four different campaigns promoting the MMR vaccine based on strategies commonly used by public health officials.

Participants were asked whether they disagreed or agreed that some vaccines cause autism in healthy children, whether children will ‘suffer serious side effects’ from the MMR vaccine, and how likely they would be to give their future child a vaccine.

None of the designed public health messages increased parental intent to get their child vaccinated.”2

The point here is not vaccinations; the point is the mentality behind the interchange, summed up well in this quote from one of the researchers:

“‘Corrections of misperceptions about controversial issues like vaccines may be counterproductive in some populations,’ wrote the researchers behind one of the studies, led by Dr. Brendan Nyhan, a health care researcher at Dartmouth College in Hanover N.H. ‘The best response to false beliefs is not necessarily providing correct information.’”2

What an unbelievable statement! First of all, as mentioned earlier, the researchers fail to realize that their “corrections” are false… and the study subjects knew that. But there’s more, because this mentality can also be applied to the Medical Establishment’s approach to osteoporosis, and in fact it can be applied to every health topic where Mainstream Medicine is slowly but surely losing ground.

Here’s one example of many. A recent study showed that fracture rates increased when people didn’t take their prescribed bisphosphonates 3. The study was conducted because of a high rate of non-compliance among osteoporosis patients taking the osteoporosis drugs.

Most likely these reluctant “patients” were aware of the well-documented problems that exist with osteoporosis drugs, which are shown to have dangerous side effects. So they stopped taking them, not wanting to become victims of the drugs. And since these “patients” most likely didn’t know what to do instead of taking osteoporosis drugs, their bone health just kept deteriorating.

In sharp contrast, Savers already know that the Medical Establishment is not telling the truth about osteoporosis drugs, and that you do not need them to improve your bone health.

Yet Another Reason Not To Eat Processed/Packaged Foods

When it comes to food packaging, there are set limits on the level of toxic chemicals that can be included in the packaging itself. According to these limitations, manufacturers must keep cancer-causing chemicals such as formaldehyde at levels deemed “safe” by government regulators.

The problem is, as brand new research reveals, that these chemicals can leach into the foods they surround, and tiny amounts of exposure (via ingestion) can accumulate over time, creating unsafe levels of toxins in the body.

News Excerpt:

“Substances used in packing, storing and processing consumer foods may be harmful to humans in the long term, according to environmental scientists in a commentary.

The scientists said that these synthetic chemicals are not inert, and therefore can leach into the foods humans consume. The chemicals are regulated, however, chronic consumption of packaged or processed foods may expose consumers to a lifetime of low levels of the chemicals which, the authors write, have little known and potentially harmful effects.

In the commentary, published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, the authors argue that lifelong exposure to these food contact materials (FCMs) ‘is a cause for concern for several reasons.’ In addition to the long term effects, exposure at vulnerable stages of human development, such as pregnant women and their unborn babies, is ‘surely not justified on scientific grounds.’”4

The Osteoporosis Reversal Program has long recommended avoiding packaged foods as often as possible and choosing whole, fresh foods instead. But even if you follow this recommendation carefully, the bottom line is, exposure to toxins is inevitable. That’s why a regular cleanse is vital for maintaining your overall health and the health of your bones.

When I developed the Osteoporosis Fresh Start Cleanse, I recognized the inescapable nature of toxic chemical exposure in our modern world. I was also well aware that these toxins (including osteoporosis drugs!) can cripple bone growth and integrity if they are not regularly flushed out of the body. The Osteoporosis Fresh Start Cleanse is a 7 day easy-to-follow detox plan to help your body get rid of toxins that can harm your bones and your overall health.

And As We Welcome Spring, Watch This Inspirational Video

This is one of my favorite songs by Johnny Nash, dating back from my college days! I love the music and find the lyrics very inspirational:

Till next time,
