The year is coming to a close.
And while it’s another year of our lives behind us, it’s also another year of our lives that we get to take with us moving forward. It’s easy to forget that every version of us all the way back to our infancy lives on inside of us.
Even though we change, even though our body regrows anew (and our bones too!), we are also in many ways an accumulation of our past experiences. We get to take the lessons of every age forward with us into each new year and each new stage of our lives.
Adults Are Children Too!
The modern world places a great deal of value on being an adult. Certainly, we carry many responsibilities as adults and have many freedoms as a result. However, we sometimes get fixated on the idea of adulthood and the qualities our culture insists are essential to it: sacrifice, gravity, responsibility, pragmatism, cynicism, stoicism and seriousness.
It’s possible to let the role of “adult” weigh you down in ways that aren’t good for you, dragging you into mires of stress, worry and tension that are bad for your bones and your general well being.
But you know what it’s like to be free of the pitfalls of adulthood. In fact, each and every one of us has a deep well of personal experience to draw from! But sadly, we often fail to engage the natural strengths of the youth we still contain.
Today, as we embark on the path toward our future selves, let’s mine our past selves for tools and tips to live our happiest, healthiest lives.
Dream Big Dreams And Don’t Hold Back
Remember when anything seemed possible? You could set your sights on traveling to Mars, to writing the perfect love poem, to playing every instrument in the orchestra. There was nothing off limits, and big dreams, seemingly impossible dreams, were perfectly acceptable.
While it’s probably too late to become an astronaut, that doesn’t mean that lofty dreams don’t offer large benefits. Something big and exciting to get you out of bed in the morning is beneficial in its own right, even if you don’t wind up reaching the goal.
Tell yourself you can. Setting limitations for yourself can be a way of hiding from your true potential. It’s safer and easier not to try, but by deciding what you’re not capable of before you attempt it, you’re confining yourself inside imaginary boundaries.
So break free and discover new strengths, new passions and new abilities by daring to dream as big as you did when you were a kid.
Tap Your Rebellious Streak
No quality is so famously teenaged as rebelliousness. When we were 16 we probably didn’t have the best sense of what was worth rebelling against, or even why we were so eager to push back against the status quo. Any voice of authority deserved to be resisted, and the results weren’t so important as the feeling of cutting against the grain.
Now that we’re older and more experienced we have a better sense of what matters to us, and what truly deserves our respect… and which are in need of scrutiny.
Savers are well versed in questioning the information handed down by the Medical Establishment. Telling a doctor that you don’t want to take the drugs that Big Pharma told them to prescribe takes a lot of guts. Doing the research to learn how to live a healthier life and following through on those personal changes takes a lot of resolve.
Our inner teenagers know a thing or two about getting fired up and passionately pursuing what we feel is right. If you’re starting to feel bowled over by the pressures of the Establishment, tap into that teenaged rebellion and follow your instincts.
Don’t Stop Learning: Be Open To New Things And Seek Them Out
Young people are typically open to new ideas, new information, and new ways of seeing the world. Science is ever advancing, and sometimes something we’ve been told for many years (for example, that milk is good for our bones) turns out to be completely wrong.
We need to be open-minded to keep learning so that we can benefit from new discoveries and advancements in the fields of health and nutrition. Plus, the world is a more exciting and engaging place when we’re willing to learn new things.
Keep your mind sharp, and your learning muscles strong by rekindling that childlike curiosity.
Turn That Frown Upside Down
Did you know that children smile approximately 400 times every day?1 Adults average a measly ten. Most people figure that children smile more because they’re happier, but could they also be happier because they smile more?
Studies have shown that the physical, muscular act of smiling has a therapeutic effect.2 The action of smiling activates our brain’s emotional circuitry, no matter the reason for the grin.3 The result is reduced levels of stress hormones like adrenaline and bone-destroying cortisol, plus increased mood enhancing endorphins and lower blood pressure.
Exercise Your Smile
So how do you draw a smile from your own lips? You can look in the mirror and practice the facial expression every day as an exercise. This is a real technique.4
Or you can work from the inside out. Picture a loved one in your mind and notice something about them you particularly like. It’ll have you smiling in no time.
The inner positivity it stirs in you can be felt by others, starting a chain reaction of good feelings. When you smile at someone and they smile back, you’re tapping into something innately human. Something from our childhood.
Demand To Have Fun
You need fun. When you were a kid, nothing less would do. You knew then that having a good time was inseparable from having a good life, but somewhere along the line, you may have started thinking that adults don’t need so much fun.
But guess what? If you want to be healthy, you can’t afford not to have fun.
The endorphins that are released when you smile and laugh,2 when you enjoy yourself, are essential to relieving stress, lowering your blood pressure, relaxing tensions in your body, setting aside worry, and allowing your body a break from the ills that those tensions, stresses, and worries cause you. So make sure you prioritize fun activities and joyful entertainment the way you did as a kid.
Take Time To Leave The World Behind
Turn off the news for a little while. It can really wind you up, especially television news with its 24-hour cycles that use fear and panic to keep you tuned in so they can sell airtime for commercials. (Like all of those horrible, dishonest ads for osteoporosis drugs.)
Give yourself a break and disconnect. Life has plenty of stresses without having to absorb everyone else’s problems all day, every day. Try to limit the amount of time you spend with the news. If you get news alerts on your phone, turn them off for a while, and you’ll see that it gives you back some control over when you concern yourself with the happenings of the world.
When we were kids the thing that mattered most was whatever was right in front of us. Give yourself the gift of that kind of focus and presence.
Reconnect With Old Interests To Reconnect With Your Younger You
Not all of these suggestions are easy to do! Maybe you’re having a hard time feeling those youthful feelings. Here’s a tip. Reconnect with what the younger you was surrounded with.
Listen to your favorite album from when you were 17. Watch an episode of a TV show you loved as a teenager. Play that card game you used to play with the kids in your neighborhood.
Did you love kites? Go fly a kite! Did you love horses? Go to an equestrian show, start riding, or visit local horse farms. Reconnect with the things you loved when you were much younger.
Those activities will bring back all sorts of memories that will help you to reclaim the youthful energy and feeling that can unlock the younger you.
The Past Is In The Future Too
You have a lot more than the next year to look forward to, you have every year you’ve ever had waiting inside of you to be explored and unlocked. Mix some of that young you into next year’s everyday life. Maybe it’ll change the way you live.
I’m always searching for ways to change into my youngest, healthiest self, and the journey I started with the Save Institute has been instrumental in that search. Thank you for traveling with me these years, and for embarking on another year together.
I wish you a bright new year, filled with room to learn and grow, the joy of love and loved ones, and many happy returns!
1 Savitz, Eric. “The Untapped Power Of Smiling”. Forbes. March 22, 2011. https://www.forbes.com/sites/ericsavitz/2011/03/22/the-untapped-power-of-smiling/#6834103d20d8
2 Abel, Millicent H. An Empirical Reflection On The Smile Mellen Press. 2002. https://mellenpress.com/book/An-Empirical-Reflection-On-The-Smile/5066/
3 Andreas Hennenlotter, Christian Dresel, et al. “The Link between Facial Feedback and Neural Activity within Central Circuitries of Emotion—New Insights from Botulinum Toxin–Induced Denervation of Frown Muscles” Cereb. Cortex (2009). 19 (3): 537-542.doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhn104. Web: https://cercor.oxfordjournals.org/content/19/3/537.short
4 Leo Widrich. “The Science of Smiling: A Guide to The World’s Most Powerful Gesture. Buffer Social.” Apr 9, 2013. https://blog.bufferapp.com/the-science-of-smiling-a-guide-to-humans-most-powerful-gesture
Some time ago you sent us a recipe for facial cleanser. I made it and it was gorgeous.
I lost the recipe. It was so good and economical that I recommend it to others.
The ingredients included sweet almond oil, pieces a of used linens and other ingredients that I forgot.
Could you please send it again?
With my best appreciation for all that you do for us.
Hi Pari! Here’s a link to our facial cleansing wipes recipe : https://saveourbones.com/ditch-toxic-skin-care-and-use-these-3-diy-natural-alternatives-for-facial-toner-cleanser-and-shaving-cream/. Enjoy!
Dear Vivian,
Please specify which one is a better option for osteoporosis: True-osteo or Bonexcin?
Thank you, Gabriela
Thank you so much for all your hard work Vivian, & for being so strong in your conviction that meds., hurt the bones – unfortunately, I have a real anxiety problem, which I have tried to come off my anti-depressants, but now realize that they help me by taking the edge off the anxiety, but I only take them when I need them, & a lower dose then prescribed!
A Happy New Year to you & your family – may 2017 bring all of us goodwill & goodhealth.
Thank you for being here! My T-scores improved this year, without drugs! Looking forward to bigger and better improvements in 2017. Idea: exercises that won’t kill me when I have one of those “hanging on forever” colds that gets passed back and forth with grandkids . . .
Thank you Vivian for all that you do. Wishing you and your family a Happy 2017.
Hello V, again I want to thank you for being a tremendous blessing to one and all of us. Thank you for your hard and tiresome work,and for the time you take to study and teach us also, to save us from many health issues, and besides all this, from which I receive blessings, your love and compassion, and caring you show to us. Blessings are there for you too, and rewards, as your labor of love is never in vain in the Lord. Thank you for the help you gave me all the time. May God continue to bless you and your family members, with health and whatever your needs may be. I am truly blessed to be in your group. Love always.
You have long been a life-line. Your research and wisdom were years ahead of what “mainstream” doctrine was being handed out. (Not only did you save me from a doctor-predicted wheelchair, but you saved my younger sisters, too.)
But you go far beyond initial information to literally digest and turn health around. Your continual research and flow of information on nutrition, recipes, exercises, world lenses, and other areas keep commitment to total health and well-being at peak levels.
You have been a wise and kind counsellor to us all. Thank you so very much.
Helen, I am humbled by your sincere words…you really have yourself to thank for your health, as do your sisters. Your choices and your personal dedication are what deserve the accolades!
Thank you very much Vivian – your posts are always a breath of fresh air and so helpful and informative.
Happy New Year !!! ?
Too much obsession with the body, begin on the heart and mind which leads to compassion and concern for others.
Thank you for noting that, Rita.
Vivian.. and all who post – Thank you for your valuable information and the updates each week…..I have been on Vivian’s program now for about 9 months and while I’m not perfect… I have been consistent in eating the better bone density foods and bone growing exercises. Like Vivian and many here I refuse the bone killing drugs and turn off all the commercials that scare us into taking drugs. I watch very little TV My motto is if I can’t laugh, be inspired or educated I’m not interested.Most important, I combine prayer with all of this and believe Vivian was put in front of me for wisdom. (I stumbled on her site but believe the stumbling was an answer to prayer). I look forward to see improvement in my next bone density test… but now realize from the reading in Vivian’s book those tests are not reliable! Nevertheless I’m making progress!
For the bone density family I wish all blessings/progress in the bone growth, health, peace, and inspiration in this New Year!
Thanks again all for sharing and Vivian for your wonderful messages.
Thank you, Judith! What a heartwarming message. And I think your avoidance of the television ads is spot on!
Good morning Vivian,
EXCELLENT ! Thank you very, very much for sharing
these timely reminder. Your encouragement from you
and others are truly a blessing.
May GOD bless you and your family in the coming
year full of HIS grace and promises.
A blessed New Year ( 2017 ).
Same to you, Marlene! And you are welcome.
Thank you Vivian for this heartwarming site today! I appreciate the good work you do and it helps keep me on looking forward to always improve my health and of those around me. I have to work on smiling. Once as I was running I ran across somebody, I said to her smiling are you glad that holidays have begun and she answered yes, smiling. This unexpected smile made my day.
I find the content of your website improving all the time!
Smiles are meant to be shared, Luc. 🙂 I am grateful for Savers like you who take the time to implement what they learn. Have a great New Year!
Thank you so much for you reminding message. I am 87 yrs in January
and live alone,family living down south. I have always been interested in
alternative medicine,and when I was told I had osteoarthritis,refused to
take the drugs.I have gone to an exercise class,and followed your advice
and I am able to walk a lot,and have very little pain! I am also supposed to have
arthritis in my knee! I do get depressed some times,but am going to try and
Smile more.
You have a wonderful attitude, Isobel. And you are overcoming arthritis without drugs – that’s something to be proud of! Stick with your exercise routine, and thank you for encouraging others with your inspiring comment.
Thank you Vivienne for the fresh and inspiring message with some excellent reminder tips.
At 75, male and living in Australia, my doctor reminded me after me after my recent X-ray and density tests that I indeed had osteoporosis in the hips and if I had a bad fall would almost certainly fracture my hip. I refused medication and and she respected my reasons. I continue to try and apply your plan and am a great believer in your natural approach. Thank you for everything this year and wishing you every blessing for the coming year.
I am so glad you have a respectful doctor, Glenn. Here’s to sticking to your bone-health beliefs in 2017!
Dear Vivian
Your work and great research delivers health to all who know you through your Savers site ? Seriously thank you and have a brilliant 2017 ?✨?
In appreciation
A warm “you’re welcome” to you, Janet! I hope your 2017 is also brilliant and full of good health.
Happy New Year to you all, where ever you may be! I’ve literally travelled around the world this year (you Must go to Sabah, Borneo and see the orangutangs) and lost 3 loved ones. I will miss them, drink a toast in celebration of their lives – and then I’m going hunting for a set of straight handlebars to cycle my way through 2017 !! How are you all going to stay healthy in 2017?
Excellent, Chris! Thanks for sharing such a motivational message.
Hi vivian. Really going to try to have more fun this year and think big as you suggested. I would really love to ask you how i can order Trueoesteo. I live in ireland and have had it before but I’m having trouble getting them to deliver it to me again. I gave up trying but intend to try again in the new year. Can you help me in any way?
Vivian – thank you for the uplifting words this morning – a blessed New Year to you and your family ….
You are welcome, Bea! We all need a boost now an then. 🙂
I tried a few times to click on get yours free now and the screen would go blank.
Thanks so much for sharing this post. I think these points are an excellent example of how we can find happiness even in a hectic world! This is great advice for the start of the new year. I especially enjoy the idea of reconnecting with old interests. I think this is a great way to begin a journey towards self improvement.