Pick up any container of laundry detergent, and you're likely to find this warning printed on it:
“If swallowed, rinse mouth, drink a large glassful of water or milk, and contact a physician.”
Yet millions of unsuspecting osteoporosis patients are prescribed bisphosphonates by their physicians – drugs that contain the same ingredients as laundry products. Does that make any sense?
So it should come to no surprise that these drugs, which include Fosamax, Actonel, Boniva , Atelvia, and others, along with their generic counterparts, carry a long list of nasty side effects that I’ve painstakingly listed and explained in the Osteoporosis Reversal Program.
I’ve also written blog posts detailing information on the bisphosphonates and their respective side-effects alerts, including esophageal cancer and diabetes. If you haven’t yet, I urge you to read these:
Osteoporosis News: New Warnings and Aquatic Osteoporosis
ALERT: Bisphosphonates Double the Risk of Esophageal Cancer
Yet Another Good Reason to Avoid Osteoporosis Drugs
New Year Off To A Bad Start For Osteoporosis Drugs
Bad News are No News
As time goes by, more and more studies are simply confirming what I’ve been saying all along: that humans are being used as guinea pigs. And just a couple of days ago, yet one more large study has proven just that.
Published online in the Journal of the Canadian Medical Association, research results have shown that first-time bisphosphonate users had a 45% increased risk of scleritis and uveitis, both serious inflammatory eye conditions that cause blurred vision, sensitivity to light and pain.1 If not effectively controlled, these conditions can lead to vision loss.
If you have the Osteoporosis Reversal Program, you’ve read that “eye problems, vision loss, and blurred vision” are listed among the many the many side effects of bisphosphonates.
Inflammatory Bisphosphonates Can Damage Eyes
The researchers themselves write that:
“The release of inflammatory mediators is believed to be the possible mechanism for bisphosphonate-induced inflammatory events…The surge in the concentration of inflammatory mediators, especially among new users of bisphosphonates, may put some users at a higher risk of scleritis or uveitis.” 1
Basically, the researchers admit that bisphosphonates are highly inflammatory chemicals that can wreak havoc in your body. No kidding! Go figure how doctors can reconcile prescribing inflammatory osteoporosis drugs when they’d rush to prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs if the inflammation is caused by a “disease”.
Side-Effects Treated with Bone Loss Accelerator!
And guess how uveitis and scleritis are treated after the drug is stopped? By prescribing corticosteroids. These anti-inflammatory drugs not only have their own long list of side effects, they also accelerate bone loss! Again I must ask, how does that make sense?
In the Osteoporosis Reversal Program I write the following, as part of my conclusion in the chapter about bisphosphonates:
“It is quite obvious that the osteoporosis “cure” is a lot worse than the “disease”. We must be aware that more often than not, side-effects of medicines are treated with yet more medicines that have their own side-effects.”
What a terrible vicious cycle! Now the question is, when will mainstream medicine realize this? How many more human guinea pigs will it take for these drugs to be finally thrown into the dustbins of Modern Medicine?
Much-Ado About Nothing
Here’s the perfect example of good research gone to waste. After years of comparing data obtained from almost one million study subjects, the researchers’ conclusion is nothing but a “warning”.
Quoting the text from the actual study:
“The risk of inflammatory ocular adverse events, including scleritis and uveitis, is not highlighted in most package inserts included with oral bisphosphonates. Our study highlights the need for clinicians to inform their patients about the signs and symptoms of scleritis and uveitis, so that prompt treatment may be sought and further complications averted. Patients taking oral bisphosphonates must be familiar with the signs and symptoms of these conditions, so that they can seek immediate assessment by an ophthalmologist.” 1
In other words, the researchers’ best advice is to continue taking the drugs and to simply be aware of the possibility of having serious eye problems that will have to be treated by an ophthalmologist.
The establishment might consider this a valuable precaution. I – and I’m sure you too – consider this warning as ridiculous as the drugs themselves.
Till next time,
1 Mahyar Etminan PharmD MSc., et al. “Inflammatory ocular adverse events with the use of oral bisphosphonates: a retrospective cohort study.” https://www.cmaj.ca/content/early/2012/04/02/cmaj.111752.full.pdf+html. April 2, 2012.
Good morning Vivian,
Thank you very, very much for sharing this valuable
information. Although, this information came late for me
at this moment ( no wonder my vision has been affected
also), I’m very grateful that GOD has given me wisdom
to find your website Vivian 10 months ago.
Thank you. Take care always, Marlene
It warms my heart to hear how much this information means to you, Marlene. Thank you for being part of the community!
I was on Actonel for a few months and felt like I was going blind. This research seems to indicate that maybe I was loosing my vision. I quit taking the drug due to this and numerous other disturbing symptoms. Glade I did as I was quickly falling apart. It amazes me how anyone can tolerate the drug for very long. I suspect. that a lot of women who take it are older like me and simply attribute the symptoms to age. I wish I had discovered this web site before I started taking the drug.
What are the findings of the value of the “arthritis product” Osteo Bi-Flex?
Thank you, Jacqueline
What are the findings of the value of the “arthritis product” Osteo Bi-Flex?
Thank you, Jacqueline
What are the findings of the value of the “arthritis product” Osteo Bi-Flex?
Thank you, Jacqueline
Do you have any information on Plaquenol. My doctor wants me to take it. But at the same moment I get told to visit an eye specialist every six month . I find that very alarming.Thank you, Irene.
Plaquenol is the name used in Canada.
Please tell me what you think about taking Raspberry Ketones to supress appetite. I seems good to me because it comes from a fruit but I am not sure. I heard about it on Dr. Oz.
Have you read The Bone-Building Solution by Sam Graci? You seem to be right in line with his conclusions as far a eating fruits and egeables and exercising everyday. Do you agree that one should have a green drink everyday and that high alpha calcium is the the way to go? Please comment on differences you have with his book.
I’m familiar with the book, and I think that the green drinks are of value for those who can’t eat enough alkalizing fruits and veggies.
I am on fosamax substituted, once weekly Alendronate Sodium tablet 70mg. i just took 4th tablet last Sunday. It has been only 4 weeks and I have no bad reaction. I am thinking to stop taking because of ill effect like eye damage, jaw muscle damage etc. after reading your article about Fosamax. Do I need to follow the special way to stop taking? or just stop taking? I am 81 years old and I took Fosamax about 10 years ago but quit because of the same reason. this year my primary care doctor suggested to take Fosamax and my friend insist on to take Fosamax. thank you very much for your opinion.
Reiko, ko****@ds********.com
Reiko, any doctor that keeps up with the latest on osteoporosis knows that bisphosphonates are not recommended for more than 5 years… and you’re way beyond that. Of course, if you ask me, I’ll tell you that you NEVER need to take bisphosphonates or any other drug.
I’ve been eating according to the program for about a year, although I’m sure the 80/20 ratio is compromised regularly. My two year bone density overall score is -3.6 compared to -3.2 previously. I took Fosamax for 8 years and discontinued 2 years ago. I don’t want to take drugs again! How do I evaluate my situation ???
Something was going around. Horrible coughing and now a fractured rib.
Looking into additional suppliments for increased bone support.
I would like to know your opinion of cissus quadrangularis and MSM, please.
Warm refards,
Please let me know whether it is possible for me to download your book into my Amazon Kindle. If so, how do I proceed? Thanks – Nicole
I have read so many things regarding health topics and it makes me fearful that I might not be doing the right things regarding my diet, etc. As I get older, I realize there is so much to worry about and am always looking to see what I need to eat, etc/ what do you recommend for me to read?
Betty –
I recommend that you read The China Study by Dr. T. Colin Campbell, The Myth of Osteoporosis by Gillian Sanson, and Vivian’s awesome posts. Animal-based foods including dairy and meat are very acidic, cause metabolic acidosis, and pull the calcium out of your bones. Try to eat a plant-based diet full of fiber and anti-oxidants. And move! Exercise is crucial for bone health. Milk is NOT our friend! 🙂
I haven’t heard any comments about the newest treatment for osteoporosis called prolia. I’m wondering if it is as bad as all the rest. Any comments would be appreciated since my doctor is suggesting I try it.
Hi Shirlene – Please see my review of Prolia here
I just received my book and am reading it. There are sure a lot of things you can’t eat or drink. Is the 80/20 rule for each meal 3 times a day or just the whole day. How do you know what 20% aidifying foods would be for the day? I am confused. I need some clarification. Thank you.
not sure if I want to go thru Reclast treatment again. In June, will be my 4th or 5th time….before all these, I never have acid reflux. It seems like all kinds of treatment available are all experimental. If one does not work, there’s another one that they can try! Doctors don’t really know which ones are more effective than the others. They receive plenty of samples to try. I wonder if they are willing to prescribe same medications to their immediate families! I don’t want to have additional health problems due to side effects of these medications, further more, I refuse to be a guinea pig.
If there’s an alternative without going thru this experimental treatments, like natural ways, like exercise and eating the right food, then,I am all for that. Thanks for all your updates. I appreciate reading them all!
I took Fosamax for abuot 5 years and when I learned about the side effects I stopped about ten years ago. I am currently taking Evista – any side effects with this medication?
The first exercise was good. The secnd and third however, made my left knee feel the jarring effect of landing on my feet/ball/heel. Even though i bend my knee on jumping. I have a mild arthritic left knee. You think i should stop doing this exercise?
Hi Vivian,
I took biophospates for several years. I have Paakinson’s Disease too. I have been having trouble focusing.and doing a bit of double vision. words seem to separate and float when i try to read. Do either of these symptoms relate to the eye diseases you mentioned in the article ?
I want to thank you for all you do!
!Carole Egler
Dear Vivian
My mother has a t-score of -4.4….. And a high level of calcium in her blood. On doing a google I came up with Hyperparathyroidism. It seems to fit with her many conditions, all of which she is taking medications for. Going by what I’ve read, Hyperparathyroidism actually causes osteoporosis. I’ve also read that surgery to remove “the abnormal parathyroid tumor will cure the
hyperparathyroidism and will normalise the serum calcium
concentration WITHIN HOURS.
Removing the parathyroid tumor will change the patient’s
life. It can make you feel 10 years younger, and literally,
change your life.”
Vivian, this made me think, surely the medical profession would not hand out medication if there was a rather simple surgery to correct the problem. Then I thought, of course they would.
Hi, I have been diagnosed with breast cancer. I was told that I will
have to take tamoxifen for 5 years after chemo and radiation will this have
a negative effect on my bones?
Thank you so much for being interesting in our bone’s health.
Two years ago I had eclaste injection and I stopped last year but now, I have pain inside my arms muscles and my back is extremely stiff and it hurts a lot. Do you thinks that it have something to do with the eclaste injection?
Thank you very much for your time and help.
It is true that there are alot of calcium pills out there that you can
buy over the counter, but which one is the best one for our bones.
I’ve heard that it’s best to take glucosamine, vitamin D and calcium at night. Is this true? What is the best calcium supplement to take?
B,Why are you trying to make some cpriosnacy theory out of this? The JP, like any other newspaper on the world, is publishing what its readers want to read, and they, apparently, dont want to read what Larry had to say (even if hes written it here, and not in the paper itself). How is their behaviour different from the behaviour of any other newspaper or blog around the globe? Do counterpunch, mondoweiss, tikun olam expose the truth and the truth only? People come to those blogs, as a contra-sample, to read abou tthe world from a very specific perespective and point of view, and this is what they get. When was the last time u read any rational response on one of those sites, to anyone who dared to present a right-winged (or even moderatly left, such as me) point of view? If those free blogs, which are written and edited for ideological purposes only, which emphasize their faith in freedom of speech so often and which pretend to represent some superiour morals and values cant handle with people who come with different opinions why should the JP (whos first and most important goal is to make money) behave differently, and not listen to what its readers, the source of its income are telling it to do?Im not saying its a good thing they fired Larry. I respect him alot, for being honest with himself and his readers, for being patient enough to listen to others and for actually being able to have a dialog with others, but Larry doesnt represent the average human being in this case. Most of the people simply cant/dont want to hear opinoins which differ too much from their own, and it has nothing to do with Israel particullary, or right and left winged issues.
What is the best calcium medication?
I love reading your reports. I have received my money back from Vitamin D that had gmo’s & synthetic ingredients. Now my real concern is how I can get my high chlosetrol down. Total is 251, with hdl too high @ 141, ldl & trigyclerine is ok. I had read that fenugreek seed can help with the metabolism of lipid. What amount do you believe I should consume? I have been putting 2 T in my smoothies everyday. I thought if fenugreek help with the metabolism of lipid, it would mean it breaks down the fat. Is that true?
Hi Vivian,
I tried Fosamax for a week and I had sore chest muscels for 3 weeks after I stopped taking it. My doctor keeps coming up with “new” drugs for me to take but I do not trust the drugs. I thank you for all the research you have done and work you have put into informing us about the bad side affects and educating us on what to eat and drink to rebuild our bones. In May I will be going to my doctor and I will be having a bone scan. I’m anxious to see if there is a change. Thank you for informing me with all the good information you check out. I’m glad I stumbled on to your site.
Thank You
have been to my doctor recently and offered to pay for a bone scan as I have refused to take actonel and calcium tablets twice daily.Since having a bone scan in 2010 she has offered another bone scan on NHS.iwas -2.5 last time so here’s hoping i am winning this time as I am following your advice in your book and have been taking rice milk for a long time.
I am determined to prove them wrong.Thanks for your recent “side affects”
news to-day.Please keep updating me Vivian.
How do we know what calcium to take there are so many. and how do we know who to believe regarding all these drugs. I just wish someone whould tell patients the truth.
Hi! Vivian,
Do Other Drugs Besides The Ones For Osteoporosis Have Bisphosphonates In Them? Like drugs For Depression, Or Drugs For Anxiety, Drugs For Acid Reflux, Or Any Other Kinds!
Please Let Me Know! And I Thank You VERY MUCH For EVERYTHING!
Hello Vivian – I have been prescribed Atelvia and / or Prolia injection. I took Atelvia which has the main ingredient risedronate sodium. I had a terrible reaction…aches, pains joint stiffness – so i stopped. What is the difference between Atelvia and bisphosphonates? and should i even consider Prolia injection twice a year?
Thank you
Hi Rebecca – Atelvia is a bisphosphonate; here’s my review of Atelvia. Prolia is not a bisphosphonate, but is has its own set of issues. Here’s my review of Prolia.
Please advise about the product called Intranasal Calcitonin.
Is it in the biphosphonate family? Or just what?
Vivian, I took Fosamax and or Actenol for 7 years. Neither helped my osteoporosis,which was about -2.3. I finally told the Dr. I wanted off of the medication approx 3 years ago. My vision has been terrible since I started on the medication and I have gone to two different specialists and they couldn’t find anything pathologically wrong with my eyes. My vision continues to fail. Do you think the bisphophonates could still be causing the problem,even though I have been off of them for several years? Is there anything that can be done to correct a problem caused by these medications? If so, I will seek out another Opthamologist to treat the conditions you mentioned in your email. Please respond,do I can get help,if that is possible. Thank you,Kathy Anderson
Have you gone to a Retina Specilist? I would suggest that.They can look farther back into the eye.
I had trouble with one of my eyes.
I went to 3 different Opthamologist, not one could figure it out. One Opthamologist even told me I had brain Cancer!
Thank goodness I didn’t..
I had a Macular Pucker.
Good luck and I hope someone can figure out what you have!
About 8 years ago my doctor prescribed for me octanel to prevent osteoporosis, bu immediately I started to have a horrible pain in my my eyes. I immediately suspended the medicine and the pain went away. My doctor said that she never heard anything like this.
Hi Denise – I answered a question about goat milk in Question #7 in Vivian Answers Day #10.
Hello Eleni,
Ezorb calcium may work for you because it is calcium bound to an organic molecule, the calcium being released within the cells of the body. Also vitamin K2 may do some good as well, you should talk to your doctor before taking vitamin K2 asking if he opposes, the reason for his opinion. If you are on thinning blood medication vitamin K2 should not exceed 45 mcg per day.
If you wish for more information you may contact me at lu*@bo********.com
I wish you well.
Yo encuentro que la informacion es super importante y es una buena ayuda para los que estamos enfermos de los huesos
Pero yo llevo como un año intentando comprar los huesos sanos y no me a resultado porque he preguntado cuanto vale en pesos chilenos y cual es la forma para yo hacer el pago ya que yo no tengo las tarjetas que ustedes informan y no he recibido informacion esperando que alguna vez me resulte
ya que yo lo necesito urgente
Hi Barbara,
I have increased my bons density naturally usibg these products : Ezorb calcium, Vitamin K2, Milk Basic Protein, silicon and a hight quality multivitamin. I had a fractured ankle du to osteoporosis (that is how I discovered it). With all these supplements which have no side effects except for vitamin K2 for those on blood thinning medication. If you need more info I am at : lu*@bo********.com.
PS I am not in business for these products.
I wish you good success.
Luc Chene,
You say to take K2 but what K2 are you referring too?
You might want to know, that K2 MK4 is a good one to take,
As it takes the calcium and puts it into your bones, Not your
Heart Arteries.
K2 MK4 only stays in the body for about 5 hours. So it is something you want to take about 2 times aday when you eat.
You also need some type of fat as it absorbs better.
K2 Mk-7 stays in the body for a couple of days. You do not need to take that K more then about 3 times aweek.
I have nothing to do with K2 MK4, but I buy mine at Amazon.com
It is the liquid Thorne..The bottle seems pricey, but it lasts for a very long time.
My Dr. says to his patients to take 5000 iu D3 aday.
And it seems that Magnesium is becoming more inportant then Calcium!!
Vivian, thank you for the latest news about bone meds making your eyesight worse. I have never taken any of these meds, but my girlfriend is currently taking them. She has been diagnosed with Lupis and has had such a bad time. They gave her steroids, fosomax and many other heavy duty drugs that had no “positive” affect on her body. I have been trying to help her by providing great information, but she believes that all those doctors are right. She does not believe that these drugs are hurting her. I don’t know how to help because she does not want to listen to me. How do I get through to her? With all the meds she is on, I am not sure what will happen, but I am sure it won’t be good! She is only getting worse!
I’m sorry to hear about your friend, Donna. I know it’s difficult, but you can’t “make” anyone listen. All you can really do is provide her with information and be there for her if and when she’s ready to accept that there may be a different path.
This is good to know, thanks to you book I did,t take these drugs ,even when my Doc incesed strongly i take them ,THANK YOU,
Thank you. I just had my check up and all better then before so I go back in a year. I have a great doctor he ask me abt bone density test and I said no and I know it probably not getting better and I know I will not take the drugs so I declined. He was ok with it and he agrees that I am in good health for a 69 year old. He was surprised that I still roller skate. After year of never falling down I was standing still and locked my wheels and fell down and got up in good shape. I take care in what I do and appreciate your book.
What do you know about forteo?
I have read it falls in the same category as Fosamax. That scared me. For what it costs, and the fact it is new enough to have made me a Guinea Pig for another drug, I quit giving the injections. It is beyond my affordability. Maybe that is a good thing.
Hi Sandra – Forteo is not a bisphosphonate; rather, it is a new class of osteoporosis drug known as anabolic agents. This daily injectable drug was approved by the FDA in 2002. You can read my review of Forteo, which comes with its own set of potentially devastating side effects, here.
I take citrical with genistein. Does genistein have any side effects or other problems that I should be aware of?
Hi Lynne – I am not an advocate of tampering with our hormonal balance. Indeed, genistein is rich in phytoestrogens and seems to be related to some negative side effects similar to HRT. You can read the abstract of the most recent research document here (from September 2010):
Doc, I think the dosing riegmen you mentioned in this article is false for all bisphosphonates because Actonel, for one, does not require waiting an hour. What about Atelvia (?)’ too? Also, one of the biggest DISADVANTAGES of Boniva is it is not indicated to cover any fractures other than the spine. You tell me, do most happen at the spine or would it be nice to have the wrist, hip and other non-vertebral sites protected? The only reason Bomiva was a success is because the Flying Nun was its spokesperson.
I have been on actonell for a number of years and am scared to come off it because I had very severe back pain. Recently my back is good but I have a lot of stiffness in my legs and memory is not what it was. I am 60 and still working,not over weight and quite active. Can you give me any advice.
Many thanks Hester
Read your news, it shocks me. Now, I am very scare for the drugs. I have the syndome of catarac for 10 years, but it is still not the time for
operation, every year, I go to the eyes specialist for two times.
I know you are so kind to advise us and always send the latest news to us
but now I have no confidence just do my best. Yesterday, I ordered the Aloe Vera products, they didn’t sell outside U。S.A. I still have the back
pain and go to the Chiropretor often.
I take a very good calcium supplement – Solgar Ultimate Bone Support – which contains calcium, vitamin D and also the OTHER vitamins and minerals which support calcium intake. These are magnesium, vitamin K2, boron, manganese, copper and zinc. I believe bisphosphonates are meant to increase the absorption of calcium from the tablets with just calcium and vitamin D that’s provided by the NHS here in the UK. However if you take a really good calcium supplement you will be helping your bones a lot more, surely. The Solgar supplement is not prescribed by the NHS and you’ll have to pay for it, about £18 per 120 tablets at a dose of 4 a day, but it must be worth it.
Thanks for the update about side effects of bisphosphonates! Because I have a serious eye condition already, I am always critical of medications offered to me by physicians. I have already refused treatment with bisphosphonates, but did not have a convincing argument; now your recent information on them strengthens my resolve. Another very commonly prescribed medication (to ward off infections) often provided is the drug, doxycycline, often prescribed just prophylactically, which I have read can cause permanent vision loss. It’s considered to be a problem only in a very small fraction of the population, but when one already has vision problems, “very small” still means too big a risk! If it is likely that doxycycline is prescribed for patients suffering bone fractures, this information could be useful for your readers.
Posted on Do you people have a foocbaek fan page? I looked for one on twitter but could not discover one, I would really like to become a fan!
Hi Vivian, your information on risk to eyes due to taking bisphosphonates has now confirmed my feelings when I was given the prescription and I went back to my doctor and told him I was experiencing pain in my eyes along with other side effects.
I decided myself after a couple of weeks of feeling ill that this medication was not for me, even at the risk (they were telling me) to my bones.
I now try just try to follow healthy diet and walk a bit more. Thank you so much for keeping us up to date with research on these drugs.
Vivian, thank you for all your wonderful information. I go for my density scan in May and the doctor appointment for the results shortly after the appointment…I feel “armed” with information, but I also have been following your guidelines as faithfully as I can….I watch my diet and exercise faithfully…I try to read up on all the materials I can on osteoporsis and the damage bisphosphonates can do to ones body…I already know the doctors are going to want to give me Prolia, but I also know, that I am going to refuse it and tell them I want an alternative to taking bisphosphonates. I will tell them about your Save our bones program and how I follow your guidlines and am healthier…