Save Our Bones Bulletin: Sobering News About Americans’ Musculoskeletal Disorders And Lifestyles, Our Exciting Announcement On Osteoporosis Awareness Month, And Much More!

Vivian Goldschmidt, MA Inspiration News

8 min Read

Welcome to the Save Our Bones Bulletin, where you can find the latest news pertaining to osteoporosis from around the world. Today’s topics include the prevalence of musculoskeletal conditions among Americans, and the shocking – although not unrelated – fact that a tiny minority of Americans actually leads a healthy lifestyle.

But here at Save Our Bones, we’re working hard to change these bleak facts. This month, we have a very special announcement about our latest step to bring you bone health-saving information. I know this will thrill Savers the world over!

A drug-free, evidence-based, natural approach to osteoporosis and overall health is needed now more than ever, as you’ll soon see…

1. More Than Half Of All Americans Have A Musculoskeletal Condition

This sobering news comes to us via the United States Bone and Joint Initiative, whose just-published report reveals the sad state of Americans’ bones.

Relevant Excerpt:

“According to the report, the most prevalent musculoskeletal disorders are arthritis and related conditions; back and neck pain; injuries from falls, work, military service and sports; and osteoporosis…

…In terms of osteoporosis, according to the report it affects 10 million Americans with 19 million more (mostly women) at risk for the disease; and that one in two women and one in four men over the age of 50 will have an osteoporosis-related fracture, and 20% of hip fracture patients over age 50 will die within 1 year of their injury.”1

A musculoskeletal condition is broadly defined as an injury or disorder that affects the musculoskeletal system, which includes the tendons, nerves, blood vessels, muscles, bones, ligaments, and so forth.

Sadly, more than half of all Americans have something amiss with one or more aspects of these biological systems. Such conditions are so prominent that the Medical Establishment seems to view them as a normal aspect of aging, or just part of life.

What most Americans fail to realize is that these musculoskeletal conditions are not normal in any sense of the word. They are, in fact, the body’s way of “speaking up” about the state of imbalance that’s going on inside. And that imbalance is generally brought about by an unhealthy lifestyle that revolves around a very acidic diet.

This is why a pH-balanced diet brings healing to the musculoskeletal system – such a diet decreases the amount of acidifying foods and increases alkalizing foods. This allows the body to heal and recover, so these “diseases” of the musculoskeletal system simply disappear.

Unfortunately, though, the majority is not yet aware of this simple, nutritional balancing act. In fact, an appalling percentage of Americans do not make healthful lifestyle choices at all, as we’ll see in this next headline.

2. Fewer Than 3% Of Americans Lead A Healthy Lifestyle

When researchers looked at the data from a U.S. National Health and Nutrition Survey that included more than 4,700 people, they found a startling (and unhealthy) trend.

Relevant Excerpt:

“The researchers assessed how many people followed four general ‘principles of healthy living’ — a good diet, moderate exercise, not smoking and keeping body fat under control.

‘The behavior standards we were measuring for were pretty reasonable, not super high. We weren’t looking for marathon runners,’ said study senior author Ellen Smit, an associate professor at the OSU College of Public Health and Human Sciences, in Corvallis.

In fact, the standards used in the study are typical of lifestyle advice given by doctors to their patients, Smit’s team said. People who adhere to those four behaviors can help reduce their risk of many health problems, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

Unfortunately, less than 3 percent of the adults in the study achieved all four of the healthy living measures, the researchers found.”2

While Americans get a failing grade in all four of the “general principles of healthy living” touted by the medical community, two of these principles – moderate exercise and keeping body fat under control – are closely related. Both of these are tied in with regular exercise, and so is your bone health.

It’s no coincidence that musculoskeletal disorders and a severe lack of healthy lifestyle choices are both prominent issues in this country. Each one plays into the other, with lack of exercise contributing to painful bone, tendon, and joint conditions, which then undermine the motivation to exercise.

Breaking this cycle is crucial for a happy, healthy life, complete with strong bones. And that brings me to an important announcement.

3. May Is Osteoporosis Awareness And Prevention Month

Raising awareness about natural, scientifically-backed treatment alternatives is key to unlocking optimal health. That’s why here at Save Our Bones, we’re absolutely committed to getting the word out to as many people as possible. And that’s the motivation behind our latest development, which I announced in an e-mail to the community last week.

In case you missed that e-mail, I want to share this exciting news once again so that as many Savers as possible are aware of the latest news at Save Our Bones.

If you haven't already, please take a moment and watch the video below where I explain more about the Save Institute:

As I say in the video:

“Save Our Bones is just one part of a larger mission – and that is to become a vital and powerful force in the journey towards evidence-based natural health and wellness. And for that reason, Save Our Bones is now part of the Save Institute.”

What this means is that Save Our Bones is part of a larger initiative, which is to promote evidence-based, natural wellness to a greater number of people around the world. The development of the Save Institute opens the opportunity to address many urgent health concerns beyond osteoporosis.

Does This Mean No More Save Our Bones?

Absolutely not! As I assured the community in last week’s e-mail:

“We’ll continue to bring you the latest scientific information on natural bone health, including up-to-date news reports on the latest osteoporosis and osteopenia research – it’s just now part of the Save Institute.”

While you’ll see some changes to the Save Our Bones site, such as an updated home page with the Save Institute logo and a more efficient navigation menu to make it easier to find information on bone-health topics you’re looking for, this does not mean that Save Our Bones is going anywhere.

Raising awareness about natural ways to reverse and prevent osteoporosis is still one of our top missions, which is why we’re tying this announcement in with Osteoporosis Awareness And Prevention Month.

What Exactly Is The Save Institute?

Here’s an introduction to the Save Institute, as shown in the video:

“The Save Institute is grounded in providing natural evidence-based solutions that anyone can understand and implement to help you reverse and prevent illness, look and feel great, and live pain free so that your health won’t get in your way of living an amazing life.

‘Save’ stands for Science, Autonomy, Value and Ethics, and those are the four principles we promise adhere to at the Institute. As a Saver, you know that we never make unsubstantiated health claims – everything is evidence-based and backed by sources you can cross reference yourself.”

At the Save Institute, we believe in empowerment through knowledge. One of our primary goals is to equip you with the information you need to make your own health decisions, and part of that information is presenting references that you can peruse on your own.

In other words, we never want you to just take our word for it. We want you to be empowered to seek out information, research, and make informed decisions that you’re not afraid to share with your doctor.

Introducing Our New Advisory Panel

To augment this mission, we have a very exciting addition to the Save Our Bones site: the brand-new Save Institute Advisory Panel.

As explained in the video:

“Several prestigious physicians, doctors, and researches have joined our Advisory Panel, contributing their expertise and experience to help shape the future of the Save Institute.”

If you haven’t yet, you can check it out our Advisory Panel here.

I can’t tell you how thrilled I am about all of this and stay tuned because you'll be hearing a lot more about the Save Institute in the coming months and I can’t wait to share with you what the future holds.

Allow me to say once more that:

“I welcome you to the Save Institute and I'm honored that we can be fellow travelers on this journey towards evidence-based natural health and wellness!”

Till next time,


1 “One in Two Americans Have a Musculoskeletal Condition, Report Suggests.” Physical Therapy Products. March 3, 2016. Web. April 26, 2016.
2 Preidt, Robert. “Less Than 3 Percent of Americans Live a Healthy Lifestyle.” U.S. News. March 23, 2016. Web. April 25, 2016.