5 Ways To Rid Your Body Of Toxic GMOs

Vivian Goldschmidt, MA Nutrition

9 min Read

It’s no secret that GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) have infiltrated our food supply. So it’s all-too-easy to end up eating them – especially during the holidays, when we tend to be a bit more lax about our food.

But there’s no need to worry about your holiday indulgence. Today, I’m going to share five simple, effective ways to cleanse your body of toxic GMOs, some of which may surprise you.

I’d like to start with a brief recap on GMOs, and why they’re toxic and bad for your bones.

What The Establishment Doesn’t Want You To Know About GMOs

Savers know that GMOs are Genetically Modified Organisms, and the acronym “GMO” refers almost exclusively to crops. Genetic modification refers to the artificial introduction of foreign genes into a plant’s DNA in order to achieve a perceived “benefit” (such as resistance to weed killers).

The problem is that these GM crops can damage your health and your bone density in various ways that can be hard to discern at first, but devastating nonetheless.

The most obvious harm that GMOs do is promote the use of toxic weed killers. The reason that certain crops are genetically modified to resist weed killers is so farmers can spray these chemicals on the food crops with abandon; they do not have to worry about accidentally killing the good plant while eradicating the weeds.

That’s not all. Animal studies have shown a clear connection between the ingestion of GMOs and liver and kidney damage, and therein lies the method by which GMOs destroy bone.1 When these vital detoxification organs are damaged by the ingestion of genetically modified food, they simply can’t keep the body cleansed of poisons.

Given the prevalence of GMOs and the damage they cause, it makes sense to detoxify from these foreign food “invaders.” So here are…

5 Effective Ways To Detox From GMOs

1. Add More Fiber And Pectin-Rich Foods To Your Diet

I’m sure you’re aware that pectin is found in fruits like apples; but you may not have known that there are many vegetables that contain pectin as well. Both fruits and veggies are full of cleansing fiber (pectin is a type of water-soluble fiber), and you’ll notice many of them are Foundation Foods on the Osteoporosis Reversal Program.

As you choose your cleansing, pectin-rich foods, remember to buy organic. This is particularly important where pectin is concerned, because much of a food’s pectin content is found in the peel and skin.

*Foundation Food

These bone-healthy foods contain many bone-building nutrients as well, which is why many of them are listed as Foundation Foods in the Osteoporosis Reversal Program. This is yet another reason why whole foods are the best way to get pectin or any nutrient; just one Foundation Food has multiple benefits, helping to “attack” osteoporosis from a variety of angles.

The same multi-benefit effect is found in regular exercise, which we’re going to look at next.

2. Go Ahead And Get Sweaty!

Exercising for your bones is certainly a wise and healthful thing to do. The benefits of exercise are extensive, from improved mood to better cardiovascular health. There is still another positive “side effect” of exercise: sweating.

Sweating is another way the body expels toxins. Ancient cultures used “sweat lodges” and modern people use saunas, but the effect is the same: to remove poisons from the system and enhance health.

Exercising until you sweat is a fantastic way to detox and build your bones at the same time. Even though it is winter here in the Northern Hemisphere, you can still exercise regularly. If you have the Densercise Epidensity Training System, then you already have what you need to get sweaty! If you need more motivation, why not listen to music while you work out, invite friends to exercise with you, or go ahead and workout at the gym, indoor tennis court, or other facility to really work up a cleansing sweat.

As you sweat out toxins, your body needs to replace the water you expend during exercise. Make sure the water you drink is healthful for your bones and free of toxins, which brings us to the third way to rid your body of GMOs.

3. Drink Plenty Of Pure Water

Water from municipal sources is rife with chemical poisons, such as pesticide residue, pharmaceuticals, fluoride, and various disinfection chemicals, such as trihalomethanes and haloacetic acids, which are formed when these disinfection chemicals react to organic matter present in the water.

The purest water you can drink is distilled water, which is water obtained from the collection of steam. When water is boiled, pure H2O is released in the steam, leaving impurities and all other molecules behind. When this steam is collected and allowed to cool into water again, the result is nothing but two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.

As Savers know, I always recommend adding a few drops of lemon juice to your distilled water to add alkalinity and boost the detoxifying effect. You can also add a few slices of organic lemon to a pitcher of distilled water, and drink as much as you like throughout the day.

There is no consensus on the exact amount of water that’s ideal for everyone. That’s because individuals vary, and what works for one will be too little or too much for another. So while opinions on this topic vary, a good place to start is with five 8-ounce glasses daily, and go from there. Remember, don’t wait until you are very thirsty to drink. Keep your distilled water handy and sip throughout the day.

Like all of these tips, drinking plenty of healthful water solves many health problems and boosts bone health as well as detoxifying your system. The same is true for our next tip.

4. Eat Plenty Of Probiotic-Rich, Fermented Foods

When you eat foods that are rich in healthful bacteria, it’s like sending in a microbial army to fight on your behalf. This is particularly relevant with regard to GMOs, because of a highly toxic pesticide known as Bt-toxin. I’ll explain.

Bt-toxin stands for “Bacillus thuringiensis,” a bacterial poison that, when sprayed on crops, ruptures the stomachs of insects that ingest it. It’s been used for years, unfortunately.

And genetic modification has introduced corn and soy crops that already have the Bt gene inside them. Clearly, washing the foods will not get rid of pesticide residue since the pesticide is literally inside the food.

This is where probiotics come in. These microbial fighters will help your digestive tract to fend off the Bt-toxin invaders that are found in GMOs. And – you guessed it – probiotics are good for your bones. In fact, research shows us that a healthy, balanced gut can actually enhance bone density.2

Foods rich in probiotics include fermented dairy products like kefir, plain, organic yogurt (even though made from acidifying cow’s milk, the fermentation produces an alkalizing product full of healthful microbes), kombucha tea, and sauerkraut.

Sauerkraut is made from cabbage, which is a cruciferous vegetable. This and other cruciferous veggies are high in a little-known but very cleansing nutrient: sulfur.

5. Consume Foods High In Sulfur Content

Sulfur is a mineral that’s found throughout your body. It has a distinctive smell (you can always tell when someone is cooking broccoli!) because of glucosinolates, found in cruciferous vegetables. Sulfur protects your body against toxins and harmful bacteria, and is essential for the manufacture of connective tissue like collagen, which makes up the bone matrix.

Here is a list of foods rich in sulfur:

*Foundation Food

Cruciferous vegetables are full of d-glucarate, a phytochemical essential to the detoxification process, which is why so many of them are included in the Osteoporosis Fresh Start Cleanse: The 7 Day Bone Building Accelerator.

A food-based cleanse, the Osteoporosis Fresh Start Cleanse includes an extensive list of detoxifying fruits and vegetables that help rid the body of toxins, from GMOs to osteoporosis drugs. It gives you a “jump start” on building youthful bones and rejuvenating skeletal tissue, cleansing your kidneys and liver and alkalizing the body.

Accelerated Bone Remodeling In Just 7 Days!

Discover how the Osteoporosis Fresh Start Cleanse can flush osteoporosis drugs and other bone-damaging toxins from your system – in just seven days.

Learn More Now →

You may not realize your need for a cleanse. After all, you might “feel fine.” But the signs of needing a cleanse can be subtle, and your liver and kidneys may be struggling and in need of a rest even if you aren’t aware of it. It’s pretty much guaranteed that your detoxification organs are in a state of overload if you’ve indulged in GMOs, sugar, artificial flavorings and colors, and other “treats” over the holidays (or any other time).

In fact, the Osteoporosis Fresh Start Cleanse is appropriate any time you feel sluggish or have had a period of time where your diet is less than ideal. It’s certainly happened to me at various points in the year, and it’s easy to follow the Osteoporosis Fresh Start Cleanse any time you need to get back on track.

Don’t let the term “cleanse” turn you away! With the Osteoporosis Fresh Start Cleanse, you won’t be stuck in the bathroom because you had to take lots of colon-cleansing pills. The Osteoporosis Fresh Start Cleanse is food-based, easy, and it only takes seven days.

Here’s to starting the New Year free of toxins!


1 Gilles-Eric Seralini et al. “Republished study: long-term toxicity of a Roundup herbicide and a Roundup-torerant genetically modified maize.”Environmental Sciences Europe. 2014, 26:14  doi:10.1186/s12302-014-0014-5. Web. https://www.enveurope.com/content/26/1/14

2 McCabe, Laura, et al. “Probiotic use decreases intestinal inflammation and increases bone density in healthy male but not female mice.” Journal of Cellular Physiology. DOI: 10.1002/jcp.24340. Web. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jcp.24340/abstract