I can’t wait to bring you this month’s Bulletin – it’s all about the power of knowledge and common sense.
We’re going to expose important bone health topics, starting with the sale of a genetically-modified version of one of the most popular fruits, new technology to make the calcium in milk more bioavailable, and a brand new study on yet one more danger of eating too much animal protein.
So let’s get started with the latest headlines!
1. First Genetically Modified Apples On Sale In Midwest
A company named Arctic has been developing a genetically modified apple for years, and has finally crossed the threshold of bringing it to market. Genetically Modified Organisms or GMOs are organisms that have had their genetic code modified to achieve a desired result. When you hear the acronym GMO it is almost always in reference to foods, mostly plants.
The first GMOs were developed to make crops resistant to the herbicides that farmers wanted to use to kill weeds. But the result was that everyone’s food was getting doused with intentionally harmful chemicals. Pesticide resistant GMOs lead to the same end. Then there is the question of the impact of changing the genetics of a food that will later be consumed. I’ll touch on this later.
Arctic has begun modifying apples for even less defensible reasons. They’ve engineered several varietals of the fruit so that they do not brown when cut or bitten into. Now they’ve harvested their first commercial crop of the mutant Golden Delicious apples to be sold as packaged slices.
Here’s what an agricultural outlet had to say.
Relevant Excerpt:
“A small amount of Arctic brand sliced and packaged Golden Delicious, produced by Okanagan Specialty Fruits of Summerland, B.C., will be in 10 stores this February and March, said Neal Carter, the company’s founder and president. He would not identify the retailers, saying that’s up to them.
‘We’re very optimistic with respect to this product because people love it at trade shows,’ Carter said. ‘It’s a great product and the eating quality is excellent.’
Carter reduced the enzyme polyphenol oxidase to prevent browning when apples are sliced, bitten or bruised. The apples match the industry norm of not browning for three weeks after slicing but without using flavor-altering, chemical additives that the rest of the fresh-sliced apple industry uses.”1
The fact that the locations where these modified apples will be sold is being kept secret is troubling. Even more suspicious is that their GMO status will not be disclosed by anything directly on the packaging. If you live in the American Midwest, you’ll recognize the product by the name Arctic and the logo of an apple with a snowflake inside of it.
Take Action To Stay Healthy
Better yet though, buy whole apples and slice them yourself! It’s a better value and you won’t be ingesting GMOs or the preservatives that are used to keep non-GMO apple slices from browning. If you want to cut slices for later, I recommend squeezing some lemon juice on your slices for a natural way to prevent browning. Plus lemon juice is good for your bones!
There is mounting evidence that consuming any GMO product causes health problems. In studies on rats these foods were shown to have a negative impact on the kidneys, the heart, spleen, adrenal glands, blood cells, and most significantly the liver.2
As you may know, the liver and kidney in particular are of critical importance to bone health. You can read more about the dangers of GMOs in some of my earlier posts, linked above.
2. Nanoparticles Touted As Fix For Inadequate Calcium Bioavailability Of Milk
A study published in Malaysia looked at the impact of introducing nano-sized calcium particles into milk to make the nutrients more bioavailable. To conduct the study the scientists used ovariectomized and ovariectomized-osteoporosis rats as a menopause and menopause-osteoporosis model.
They took skim milk powder and added calcium citrate or calcium carbonate homogenized to a nano-sized particle distribution. They also added a number of nutrients known to increase the bioavailability of calcium: Inulin, DHA & EPA, and vitamins B6, K1, and D3. Then they administered this milk-powder cocktail to the rats.
Relevant Excerpt:
“Although, nano-sized enriched milk powders had the greatest calcium bioavailability among the groups, but bioavailability of nano-sized calcium carbonate-enriched-milk was significantly better than nano-sized calcium citrate-enriched-milk. Moreover, the trends were similar for bone calcium, strength and morphology.
Therefore, based on the current results the calcium carbonate nano-sized enriched milk could be an effective enriched milk powder in ovariectomized-osteoporosis and ovariectomized rats as a model of menopause-osteoporosis and menopause women.”3
The unacknowledged truth behind this study is that milk is not a good source calcium. As Savers know, it is acidifying and results in a net loss of calcium. However, the milk industry is desperate to find a way to make milk live up to the cultural myth that it’s good for your bones. As a result, experiments like this go to extremes trying to make milk useful.
Desperate Measures Are Dubious At Best
The safety of nanoparticles has not been established, and this is yet one more reason to consume whole foods that have not been tampered with. Instead of drinking doctored cow’s milk, incorporate calcium-rich foods into your diet and take organic calcium supplements.
3. Go Easy On Animal Protein
The well-known dangers of eating meat continue to be reinforced and more deeply understood. This study shows that women in particular are susceptible to a weakened heart from consuming too much animal protein. Let’s have a look at the source.
Relevant Excerpt
“According to researchers, women older than 50 who adhere to high-protein diets could have a greater risk of heart failure, particularly if the majority of their protein comes from animal sources.
In their study, the researchers found that postmenopausal female participants who ate a high-protein diet were at a significantly higher risk of heart failure than their counterparts who consumed less protein daily or ate more vegetable-derived proteins.
“Higher calibrated total dietary protein intake appears to be associated with substantially increased heart failure risk while vegetable protein intake appears to be protective,” said lead author of the study Dr. Mohamad Barbour, an internist at the Alpert Medical School of Brown University, Memorial Hospital of Rhode Island, US.”4
This will not surprise Savers, as the clinical nutritional guidelines of the Osteoporosis Reversal Program naturally eliminate the danger of consuming too much animal protein. Meat is an acidifying food, and the simple rule of balancing each meal by the 80/20 rule (80% alkalizing and 20% acidifying foods) means that you won’t consume excessive animal protein.
Clearly, this nutritional guideline is healthy for a lot more than just your bones – it could literally save your life by preventing heart failure!
Say Hello To A Healthier You
There are plenty of delicious and healthful ways to get the protein your body needs to build the muscle that is so important for building bone. And that’s great news for your heart, as this study found that:
“… women whose proteins were sourced mainly from vegetables were at a lower risk of heart failure.”4
Many diet fads are based on unscientific cultural myths, including or excluding entire food groups. As a result, many people who hope to attain better health wind up doing grave harm to their bodies, including their bones.
Could You Be Unknowingly Harming Your Bones?
I have written extensively about the mechanics of bone formation and whole body health that is blatantly ignored by the Medical Establishment. Just recently, I’ve posted about the dangers of sitting too much, of eating too much meat, and of course, on the incredibly harmful and ineffective bisphosphonates, the most prescribed osteoporosis drugs .
There is even more to learn, and I’ve compiled it all into a thorough, yet easy-to-read Program that details the science of your bones and what it takes to make them stronger without osteoporosis drugs. Among other important topics, the Osteoporosis Reversal Program addresses the most prevalent bone-depleting habits and behaviors, some of which will surprise you. And the Program also provides you with simple actions and lifestyle changes that will make you and your bones healthier and younger.
Stop Worrying About Your Bone Loss
Join thousands of Savers from around the world who have reversed or prevented their bone loss naturally and scientifically with the Osteoporosis Reversal Program.
Till next time,
1 Dan Wheat. “First GMO apple slices to go on sale in Midwest“ Capital Press. January 9, 2017. Web: https://www.capitalpress.com/Orchards/20170109/first-gmo-apple-slices-to-go-on-sale-in-midwest
2 Derbyshire, David. “Fears grow as study shows genetically modified crops ‘can cause liver and kidney damage.’ Daily Mail Online. January 1, 2010. Web. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1244824/Fears-grow-study-shows-genetically-modified-crops-cause-liver-kidney-damage.html
3 Millette Burgos . “Nano-sized calcium improves bioavailability and could aid osteoporosis fight.” Dairy Reporter. January 24, 2017. Web: https://mobile.dairyreporter.com/R-D/Nano-sized-calcium-improves-bioavailability-and-could-aid-osteoporosis-fight
4 Neelam. “Ladies, Take Note! High-protein Diet May Raise Your Risk For Heart Failure.” Health Newsline. November 17, 2016. Web: https://www.healthnewsline.net/ladies-take-note-high-protein-diet-may-raise-risk-heart-failure/2536119/
Comments on this article are closed.
This may be the wrong place to ask this, but I do not see any other place to ask such a question. You tell us that milk is acidifying. If that is true, can you explain why it has worked for me for many years to relieve acid n my stomach? It is the only kind of acid relief I have ever found. Thank you.
Thank you Vivian for all that valuable information.
It does make a difference.
God bless. -
I just changed my email, and would like to continue getting your emails. I have all your books, and really enjoy all your advice on a regular basis. You have helped me so much with recipes and exercises. Thank you.
Excellent article. thanks Vivian. And the way the world is going we may have to start growing our own vegetables hoping that they will be less dangerous for our health . Here in Las Vegas I grow in pots some vegetables all natural but they need lot of care. Swiss chard and eggplant and peppers some of them . But I used to live in California where I could grow so many fruits and veggies. Here is not easy .
Buying organic may be the key but is expensive -
Hi Vivian,
I have to say that I am more than a little discouraged. I am 57 yrs old. For 7 yrs I had taken Actonel or Fosamax but have since been off all meds for past 5 yrs. I have been following the Save The Bones Program for over a yr now as best as I can 80/20 and taking the vits/min supplements recommended while exercising at least 2-3 times a wk. I just had a recent dexascan and my scores have further decreased since 2yrs ago at which time they also decreased. My Dr insists I go back on Fosamax. What should I do?? I don’t want to go back on these meds. Is Evista better than Fosamax or should I wait it out another 2 yrs hoping that my bone density doesn’t decrease further?
Hello Vivian
Something of interest! I listened to the very early BBC news this morning and heard that either Oxford or Cambridge University (sorry still waking up at that point!) had run tests on phosphates in connection with osteoporosis drugs.
They found that after a while of using them the bones were cracking!! What you’ve been saying all along! Interestingly patients were advised to keep taking the tablets and I haven’t heard the report repeated on the radio yet.
Thank you for all your hard work x -
Organic apples exclusively. (and not pre-cut; sheesh; spend the extra money and who knows who’s is doing the slicing and if they even washed the apple first)
As usual, a good topic, Vivian!
What is your take on Evista? I believe it is not as strong as bisphosphates like Fosamax. I know it works on osteoclasts slowing that process down, but it also has some oteoblast stimulation. ??? Any advice?
Aren’t all apples that we eat today GMO???? How did they come up with the fantastic new flavors over the years that everyone loves? (Honey-crisps for one.) They did it by genetically modifying the ‘original apple’ to create a new kind. And that has been happening for centuries! So many centuries that we have no idea what an apple tasted like ‘originally’. ALL APPLES, ALL VARITIES THAT HAVE BEEN CREATED, HAPPENED BECAUSE OF GENETIC MODIFICATION! “Hidden right in your grocery store isle” under names like Macintosh, Gala, Golden Delicious!
GMO is not new.
Oh, and has anyone tried these new mini cucumbers with a thin skin? Awesome! I found my kids eating them right out of the bag. Thanks to GMO!
Did you know Bananas used the be shaped differently before being Genetically modified?
(P.S. I do advise cutting your own apples and slicing your own carrots. That just seems fresher!) -
I know you talk about free radicals and what it does to your body. What do you think about incorporating Organic Grape Seed extract as a way to help.
How much animal protein is too much. I eat plenty of quinoa and peas, and other non meat proteins but I crave a filet , chicken , turkey burger a couple times a week . I get sick of just vegetable proteins and need to have some animal protein . I eat only low acid foods .I can’t have citrus, vinegar, anything acidic because I have interstitial cystitis. I’m confused about how much animal protein is harmful. My diet is for ic is very restrictive but some lean, animal
Proteins are fine. Please further clarify. Thank you-
Leslie, you mentioned you have IC.
I also have that and would love to talk to you and compare notes about how we cope with this and keep our diet alkaline all the time.
It does get boring!
What I would like to know, especially with a member of the family pregnant is if cows milk is so harmful why is it given to small children?
Hi Vivian,
I always look forward and appreciate receiving your valuable information. How many times a month do you recommend eating meat?
Thank you!
“Mutant Golden Delicious apples.” That adjective alone makes it sound nauseating! I heard that Aldi’s produce is going all organic starting in March.
I also remember a catering service providing a huge fruit tray, and the apples stayed beautiful all day long. When I asked how they did it, they said with lemon juice. In case you doubt, don’t. It really does work!
Thank you for this useful information and for reminding us of the best way of keeping our diet healthy and therefore our bodies.
In my house, most vegetables are stewed. When stewed, they are cooked until they are mush. I know that this not only cooks all the flavor out, but also cooks all the nutrients out of them. The cook in question has been doing this for fifty years of more, so no hope of changing that. Is there a remedy, such as supplements? I know the flavor is gone for good, but maybe not the nutrients? Any help for this? Thank you!