Vivian Answers Day #16: Spinal Exercises, Fish Oil, Gluten Intolerance, Astaxanthin, Kidney Stones, Forteo Side-Effects, And More!

Vivian Goldschmidt, MA Inspiration

10 min Read

Question & Answer #1

My doctor suggested that I alter my exercise routine to strengthen the muscles surrounding my lower spine. What exercise books or DVDs are available that you would recommend, focusing on the lower back muscles?


You’re in luck, Maria! I recently launched Densercise, a complete, full-body exercise system that includes weight bearing, resistance, and flexibility moves. In it, I walk you through a full 4 week exercise schedule, with a specific routine for each day. And it only takes 15 minutes a day.
It includes the Densercise Manual, a professionally illustrated ebook, and the Densercise Online Video Collection, where I demonstrate each exercise. For more info about the Densercise System, click here

And one of my favorite exercises for the strengthening the muscles around your spine is ‘The Spine Strengthener'.

Stay healthy and strong!

Question & Answer #2

What do you think about taking fish oil, is 1000mg the right amount to take, does it have anything to do with our bones?


Dear Karen,

Yes, omega-3 fish oil is important for your bone health – it’s actually one of the Foundation Supplements in the Osteoporosis Reversal Program. Omega-3s increase calcium absorption, help reduce bone loss and maintain mineral density within bones. According to a 1997 study in the journal progress in Lipid Research, Essential Fatty Acids

“…have now been shown to increase calcium absorption from the gut, in part by enhancing the effects of vitamin D, to reduce urinary excretion of calcium, to increase calcium deposition in bone and improve bone strength and to enhance the synthesis of bone collagen.”

Beyond bone health, omega-3s benefit almost every body system, and research supporting the positive role of this essential fatty acid continues to mount. Omega-3s help sustain a healthy immune system and cellular structure that supports the elimination of waste, maintain fluidity of cell membranes, improve the body’s ability to respond to insulin, reduce triglycerides, and increase blood flow. This super essential fatty acid has also been linked to an increased sense of well-being and a decrease in moodiness and depression.

Due to their ability to reduce inflammation, omega-3s are especially critical if you’ve taken any of the osteoporosis drugs, especially bisphosphonates, which have an inflammatory effect on your body.

Because it’s difficult to get an adequate supply of omega-3s through diet alone, I do recommend taking a supplement with a total of 1,000 mg of fish oils.

Nothing “fishy” about your question… stay curious!

Question & Answer #3

What about the fact that I’m on a gluten free diet? How does that come into play?


Dear Susan,

Because you’re already in the habit of avoiding gluten, you’ll actually have an easier time following the Osteoporosis Reversal Program. All of the gluten-containing grains are acidifying, so eliminating them entirely does not create an issue in terms of the Program. Of course if you wouldn’t be gluten intolerant, you could still eat grains in the right proportion to other alkalizing goodies.

Stay on track and worry-free!

Question & Answer #4

I am a 60 years young Asian. I am considering taking Krill Oil. May I have your comments regarding its benefits. I take Armour for my Thyroid condition. Other than that I am healthy.


Dear Kazuya,

Krill oil is a great source of omega 3 fatty acids (see my response to Karen above for more info about the benefits of omega-3s). It also contains astaxanthin, a powerful carotenoid that may be even more potent than the carotenoids found in carrots, bell peppers, and other vegetables. Astaxanthin helps reduce levels of C-reactive protein, and studies have shown that high levels of this protein are related to lower bone mineral density.

Keep seeking answers…

Question & Answer #5

I have 5 kidney stones and my urologist has recommended that I drink 64 oz. of lemonade (made from lemon juice in a bottle and tap water) every day to keep kidney stones from forming. I trust him a lot. Hope this helps!


Dear Krista,

Your urologist gave you a good recommendation – but I’d suggest ditching the tap water, especially if your community fluoridates its water supply.

Tap, spring and mineral water contain inorganic minerals that accumulate in the bloodstream but are not usable by cells. That’s because for minerals to have an effect on biological processes, they have to be transported into the cells. For that reason, in the Osteoporosis Reversal Program I recommend drinking distilled water, or water filtered via reverse osmosis as a second choice. Of course, spring or mineral water is still a much better choice than fluoridated tap water, so remember this when you eat out or if you run out of distilled water.

And once you add a few drops (or more) of fresh lemon juice before drinking it, distilled water becomes ever-so-slightly negatively charged. Toxic acidic residue is positively charged, and since opposites attract, distilled water with lemon juice is a powerful detox and alkalizing drink.

To your healthy kidneys!

Question & Answer #6

My osteoporosis is in an advanced stage, with almost constant pain. I am doing exercises, taking supplements, etc. But I’m not sure what supplements post osteoporosis requires. Most articles, etc. that I read deal with prevention of Osteoporosis. Can you help me?


Dear Helen,

Of course I can help you, Helen! The Osteoporosis Reversal Program is designed specifically for people who have been diagnosed with osteoporosis or osteopenia – it can help you regain your bone health regardless of how advanced your osteoporosis is.

The best way to get started is to read my free Natural Bone Building Handbook. It goes into detail about the problems with osteoporosis drugs and also gives lists of supplements that are essential for bone health.

Once you review it, and should you decide to bring your bone health to the next level, you might want to get the Osteoporosis Reversal Program.
To your renewed bone health!

Question & Answer #7

I have 3 comp fractures in back was on Boniva for 7 months went to Cleveland Clinic they put me on Forteo. I have been injecting Forteo for 5 months. I have pain in my left arm between the shoulder and the elbow, and started getting pain in the left leg down to knee. I hate taking the drug, but they say I don’t have much choice!! Your opinion, please.


Dear Alice,

First, I’m so sorry to hear that you’re experiencing side effects from this drug. And I’m sure you’ll be pleased to know that there’s a choice. In many cases, doctors equate drugs with treatment because they simply weren’t trained about other options, and that’s unfortunate.

As I say in ‘Why the Osteoporosis Reversal Program is Not a Natural Treatment',

“As well-meaning as these doctors may be, they are trained to ignore the potentially devastating effects of osteoporosis drugs and to disproportionately focus on mere statistics. As if that weren’t bad enough, the drugs are not even effective at improving bone quality.”

Drugs, whether prescribed or over the counter, may help temporarily (or more likely, may just appear to be helping), but there's always a price to pay, and much to your detriment, you’re paying that price right now. But you don’t have to continue with the same treatment.

If you haven’t already, please download my free Natural Bone Building Handbook. And for more info about Forteo, please read ‘The Forteo Mystery: What You Should Know About This Puzzling Drug'.

Remember, the choice is always yours!

Question & Answer #8

Why are blueberries and walnuts in the bad group, and raspberries and almonds in the good group? For breakfast, I eat raw oats, blueberries, walnuts, plain nonfat yogurt, sunflower kernels,& sometimes craisins. How do I know what amount of each of these to put in together? Is there a sample menu of breakfast, lunch, & dinner and amounts to put together? I thought you said to use 80/20, but I don’t know what 80 is and what’s 20? It would make it a lot easier if there was some kind of menu to follow. Thanks for the help! Pegge

Dear Pegge,

First, it’s not about “good” or “bad” groups. The idea is to balance alkalizing and acidifying foods, aiming for approximately 80% alkalizing and 20% acidifying. Acidifying foods aren’t bad or off-limits; in fact I’ve written blog posts about the beneficial effects of both blueberries and walnuts – see this article and this one.

Many acidifying foods contain important nutrients and are listed as Foundation Foods in the Osteoporosis Reversal Program. The key is to balance acidifying and alkalizing foods.

And I know that the classification of foods as acidifying or alkalizing can seem arbitrary. It might help to explain how the determination is made. Foods are classified as acid or alkaline based on the minerals they leave behind after digestion, not based on their taste or how they “seem.” The pH level of individual foods is determined by burning them and testing the ashes for a pH reading.

I purposely designed the Osteoporosis Reversal Program to be easy to follow – you don’t have to worry about measurements. As I recommend in the Program manual, one of the easiest ways to balance your meals is to simply eyeball the ingredients in your meal. If you're eating a slice of acidifying bread, for example, you want to add alkaline foods that take up about four times as much space as that slice of bread. It's not exact, but the great think is that it doesn't have to be.

And for some meal ideas and tasty pH-balanced recipes, check out the Recipe Sampler inside your Program manual.

Enjoy your pH-balanced breakfast!

Question & Answer #9

I just finished two articles regarding high doses of calcium could cause strokes in about 30% of the women taking them. (one from the British Journal of Medicine) What is going on??


Dear Mary,

I talked about this issue in ‘Calcium and Heart Attack Alert: My Take'.

The bottom line is that it's more about the type of calcium you take – if you are using an organic calcium product, you’re fine. To find out more about calcium, read my free Ultimate Guide to Calcium. .You can get it here.

Keep building your bones… safely!

Question & Answer #10

Is there a way to drink coffee and make it more ph balanced? I only drink 2 cups per day and really don’t want to give it up.


Dear Nickie,

Although coffee is acidifying, nothing is off limits on the Osteoporosis Reversal Program – moderation and balance are the keys. In ‘Drink This, Not That for Better Bone Health', I tell you how you can enjoy a daily cup of coffee without negatively affecting your bone health.

Coffee, especially organic coffee, is rich in antioxidants, and if you replace the milk in it (with organic almond, coconut or soy milk), it’s even better. And have some alkalizing snacks before or after to enhance your alkalizing reserves.

To your morning “cuppa”!