This month’s Bulletin is all about awareness. We’re going to expose important topics of public health, such as lead in tap water across the country, the dangers of conventional farming methods leading to greater demand for organic foods, and industrial toxins in fast food.
Let’s begin with a brief look back at a controversial scandal in Michigan, the home of the first experimental addition of fluoride to the water supply…
1. Lead In Tap Water: Not Just In Flint, MI
You’ve undoubtedly heard about the lead-laden water in Flint, Michigan, which raised awareness of municipal water safety around the country. We also covered the incident in one of our Bulletins. Now there’s more news on this topic, and unfortunately, it’s not good.
According to a recent report from the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), millions of Americans’ water supplies are contaminated with unsafe levels of lead.
Relevant Excerpt:
“… a recent analysis of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) data revealed that Flint is far from the only city in the U.S. plagued by dangerous levels of lead in its drinking water.
According to the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), more than 18 million Americans were served by 5,363 community water systems with lead violations in 2015. …
According to the NRDC report, all 50 states had at least one water system in violation of the lead and copper rule in 2015.
Additionally, states and the EPA took formal enforcement action against just 11.2 percent of the over 8,000 violations that year-leaving 88.8 percent free from any formal enforcement action.”1
Lead is a heavy metal, and its toxic effects are systemic. It harms the whole body, and children are particularly vulnerable to its detrimental neurological effects. Many uninformed parents prepare baby formula with warm tap water, and the results can be tragic and irreversible. Research has shown that lead has an effect on the brain – specifically, the cerebellum – that is not unlike the effects of drug addiction. Yet this dangerous substance is allowed in municipal water systems all over the country.
Even if these lead violations were corrected, odds are that tap water would still not be safe. In fact, drinking tap water is not recommended in the Osteoporosis Reversal Program, and here’s why.
As the above article clearly reveals, contaminated water is a widespread problem, and it’s not just lead. Dangerous substances including cadmium, arsenic, and mercury find their way into drinking water via contaminated soil. And then there’s the deliberate contamination of water through the addition of fluoride.
Fluoride is a much more ubiquitous substance than lead, and you’ll find it in nearly every single municipal water system. In the Osteoporosis Hydration Protocol, a bonus report on water safety, quality, and bone health included with the Osteoporosis Reversal Program, fluoride is discussed at length.
Its addition to public water supplies came about as a result of studies on rats in the 1930s, which indicated that fluoride prevented dental cavities. Not coincidentally, these studies were funded by the Aluminum Company of America. Aluminum and fertilizer production produce a lot of fluoride waste.
So it’s not surprising that the rat studies were lauded as a legitimate basis for the collaboration between municipalities and fertilizer and aluminum manufacturers, and this collaboration gave rise to the scheme of convincing people that fluoride was essential for preventing cavities, and therefore getting the public on board with this concept of placing waste fluoride into drinking water.
Ironically, it was another Michigan city, Grand Rapids, which was used as a “test city” for water fluoridation. Unfortunately, fluoride has come to be one of the most widespread toxins that damage the kidneys, the liver, bones, and more.
Given the toxic nature of tap water, your best bet is to drink distilled water with a few drops of lemon juice. That’s the bone-smart option!
2. Consumers Demand More Organic Foods
As awareness of the dangers of conventional farming practices grows, so does the knowledge of the merits of organic farming. More people than ever are learning about the superior health benefits of organic food. In fact, organic foods are in higher demand than ever, with food giants like General Mills setting goals to double their organic crop production by 2019.
Relevant Excerpt:
“Organic food demand is so booming that multiple efforts are underway to support the acquisition of organic farmland. … People’s huge appetite for organics has been ignored by Big Ag for so long that land to grow food organically in the U.S. is rather scarce. …
This trend of people wanting organic products seems to be growing, too. U.S. Department of Agriculture statistics show that in 2014, certified organic operations in the U.S. had reached an astonishing number of 19,474, while a total of 27,814 certified organic operations exist around the world. Other studies report that another 3,000 farms are transitioning to organic. The word is out – individuals everywhere are quickly switching to organic.”2
Not unlike the phenomenal sales increase of GMO-free foods, consumer demand for organic food is resulting in food companies scrambling to increase their supplies to meet the growing demand.
More farmland being converted to organic farming is excellent news. This is not only better for the environment, but better for your overall health and your bone health. After all, pesticides and herbicides – such as Monsanto’s Roundup (glyphosate) – are making their way into the food supply at alarming rates, and the health consequences are very real.
For example, Roundup is a known hormone disruptor that depletes your body of crucial bone-building vitamins and minerals. It’s also a liver toxin, binding up a key detoxification enzyme and preventing your liver from doing its job. Roundup even destroys beneficial gut microbes.
The best way to steer clear of pesticides and herbicides is to consume as many organic foods as possible.
3. Study: Industrial Chemicals Found In Fast-Food Eaters
Savers are well aware of the unhealthy nature of fast foods and how they raise your risk for heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. They are also deleterious to your bones.
But what you may not realize is that fast foods have been shown to raise levels of industrial chemicals in those who consume these foods.
Relevant Excerpt:
“The study is the first broad look at how fast food may expose the public to certain chemicals, called phthalates, that are used to make plastics more flexible and durable. The chemicals, which don’t occur in nature, are common in cosmetics, soap, food packaging, flooring, window blinds, and other consumer products. The Centers for Disease Control says ‘phthalate exposure is widespread in the U.S. population.’ …
The latest research suggests that fast food is a significant source of the chemicals, which may leach into food from machinery used in processing or packaging, or from gloves worn by workers.”3
Here is yet another reason why processed foods are unhealthy – they’re not only altered; they’re actually contaminated! And as the study shows, the effects are immediate.
The study involved a review of extensive data collected from 8,877 participants. Researchers used “24-hour dietary recall data”4 to quantify the amount of fast food ingested, the percentage of fat in the food, and the nature of the food itself (dairy, meat, grains, etc.). They found “…evidence of a positive, dose-response relationship between fast food intake and exposure to phthalates…”4 and concluded that:
“Fast food may be a source of exposure to DEHP and DiNP.”4 (DEHP and DiNP are phthalates.)
One of the main takeaways from this month’s Bulletin is a deeper understanding of the ubiquitous nature of toxins. Present in food and water, poisons are impossible to avoid entirely. While there are ways to minimize exposure, ridding your body of these poisonous substances is essential for optimal bone health and overall health.
Recognizing the essential nature of periodic detoxification in bone health, I developed the Osteoporosis Fresh Start Cleanse as a companion to the Osteoporosis Reversal Program.
It’s a really good idea to “kick off” your bone-saving efforts with the Osteoporosis Fresh Start Cleanse. It takes just seven days and is not drastic, nor does it involve handfuls of colon-cleansing capsules or tablets. The Osteoporosis Fresh Start Cleanse is both gentle and effective, combining key foods with pure water, deep breathing, and thorough, scientifically-backed explanations for each of the seven steps.
The Osteoporosis Fresh Start Cleanse is a convenient downloadable ebook, so you can get started right away. It also includes more than 40 delicious cleansing recipes and a complete grocery list.
Accelerated Bone Remodeling In Just 7 Days!
Discover how the Osteoporosis Fresh Start Cleanse can flush osteoporosis drugs and other bone-damaging toxins from your system – in just seven days.
With industrial chemicals and other contaminants in the food and water supply, it’s more essential than ever to cleanse your body and give your bones the alkaline, clean environment they need to start the rejuvenation process.
Till next time,
1 “ ‘Our infrastructure is crumbling around us’: 18 million Americans served by water systems with lead violations in 2015.” Fox News. July 8, 2016. Web. August 26, 2016. https://www.foxnews.com/weather/2016/07/08/our-infrastructure-is-crumbling-around-us-18-million-americans-served-by-water/
2 Sarich, Christina. “As Demand Skyrockets, Thousands Of US Farms Are Going Organic.” Natural Society. April 15, 2016. Web. August 26, 2016. https://naturalsociety.com/demand-skyrockets-thousands-us-farms-going-organic-6738/
3 Tozzi, John. “Fast-Food Eaters Have More Industrial Chemicals in Their Bodies.” Bloomberg. April 13, 2016. Web. August 26, 2016. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-04-13/fast-food-eaters-have-more-industrial-chemicals-in-their-bodies
4 Zota, Ami R., Phillips Cassandra A., and Mitro, Susanna D. “Recent Fast Food Consumption and Bisphenol A and Phthalates Exposures among the U.S. Population in NHANES, 2003-2010.” Environ Health Perspect. (2016). Web. August 26, 2016. https://ehp.niehs.nih.gov/15-10803/
Do you have a home recipe for bath soap or bath shower gel that smells good but won’t affect the bones.
Hi Vivian: I’m not joining this conversation but just have a question. You sent out an e-mail a while back about making your own hairspray and so on. I thought I saved this e-mail but must have deleted it by mistake. Is there any way that I would be able to get this again?
I made a comment yesterday on here about my bone score keep going down…was looking for some positive input about what else other people are doing. Saw the comment but today it is gone?
Sometimes it gets discouraging when you do everything right and your bones keep going down…-3.1, -3.8..-4.1…-4.5 and only 67. I keep trying…never had any of the drugs but I wish they could come up with something that is not a drug but a sure thing to take that would just stop it!!
Don’t be discouraged, Mary Kay! Bone density is just one aspect of bone health. Mainstream medicine focuses so much on density because it needs numbers (i.e. fixed parameters) to prescribe drugs, so most doctors follow the same protocol.
While density is an indicator of bone metabolism, the main focus of bone health is simply to prevent fractures, and less dense but healthy and renewed bones have better tensile strength than thicker, denser, older bones. So if you’ve been following the Program, chances are your bones are in excellent shape. 🙂
Hi Vivian, thanks so much for all your hard work. I have one of your cook books – the chocolate cake recipe which adds stevia (2teasp.) to the recipe. I’m afraid, I can’t stand the taste of stevia, so next time I make the choc. cake, I will add wholebrown organic sugar & a little stevia, that will take away the taste of stevia, also I use spelt flour, instead of wholewheat. Thanks though!
I hope it turns out delicious for you!
Need to know about the value of Fosamax when taking steroids.
Have you heard of an organization called Osteostrong? Any thoughts about what they are doing and whether their activities should be a part of one’s bone building program?
How long does it take to lose some bone mass if you have to go on a bland diet for a while for digestive issues. It appears to be a lot of refined stuff that’s quite acidic, I haven’t eaten any of this stuff for years and am worried a couple months on this stuff will ruin all the progress I’ve made on your program.
Hi Diane,
How long it takes to lose bone mass (if you lose it at all) differs significantly from individual to individual, so it’s simply not possible to say for sure in your case. But since you’ve been following the Program, chances are your bones are in excellent shape and should be able to “weather” a temporary deviation from the Save Our Bones diet. 🙂
thanks Vivian for the info on organic foods.
Glad to know you find this information valuable!
Hi ,Vivian
Thanks for all your information on bone health ,it has helped me tramenasty, as a osteoporosis guy I, m beating this issue,hands down
Thanks regards gary
You’re very welcome, Gary! I love your positive attitude 🙂